When German “Peace” Prizes Go to American Warmongers 

On October 18, during U.S. President Joe Biden’s last visit to Germany, before leaving the White House, he received the highest honor bestowed by the German state, namely the “Grand Cross of Special Class of the Order of Merit” for his “outstanding merit” in favor of U.S.-German relations. While many observers were puzzled over what his “merit” might have been, some mused it might involve making Germany a prime target of nuclear weapons fired from both East and West in the event of a direct war between Russia and NATO. Or was it the role that Joe Biden, a fierce enemy of the Russian-German Nord Stream gas pipeline from the day it was built, is said to have played in its destruction by American-led sabotage specialists in Sept. 2022?

German investigators have avoided looking into this aspect of the sabotage, while sticking to the ludicrous line that a Polish-Ukrainian team of sports divers carried out such a highly sophisticated operation, without being detected by NATO in one of the most tightly surveiled bodies of water in the world. Perhaps these investigators also deserve the Federal Cross for their merit in covering up the affair…

Then, at another high-profile ceremony on Oct. 20, on the sidelines of the famous Book Fair in Frankfurt, the “Peace Prize of the German Book Trade” was awarded to Polish-American author Anne Applebaum, due to the prize committee’s conviction that her warnings about Vladimir Putin being the new Stalin were on the mark years ago already. Her new book, titled Autocracy, Inc: The Dictators Who Want To Run the World, is full of polemics against Putin’s Russia and other countries unwilling to bow to the dictates of the “unipolar world order”. Granting a “peace prize” to such a defender of Anglo-American wars and imperialism speaks volumes about the degree of degeneration of the book trade in Germany, which gave the award last year to the infamous provocateur Salman Rushdie.

Ms. Applebaum was accompanied in Frankfurt by her husband Radoslaw Sikorski, the Foreign Minister of Poland since 2023, who held the same position from 2007-2014. Our readers may remember that he is the one who inadvertently “spilled the beans” on who was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, by tweeting almost immediately the message “Thank You USA”, with a photo of the pipeline leak. Although the tweet was later deleted, the message had gone out.