The Tragedy in Gaza Sounds the Death Knell for the “Rules-Based Order”

Following the end of the temporary truce in fighting, Israeli forces have pursued even more ruthlessly their campaign to destroy Gaza, expanding the targeting to cities and populations in the south. Residents in and around Khan Younis have been ordered to leave, but where should they go? Is “ethnic cleansing” to be the final solution for the Palestinians?

How the brutal bomb targeting is mapped out, with the help of artificial intelligence, is the subject of a Nov. 30 exposé, titled “‘A Mass Assassination Factory’: Inside Israel’s Calculated Bombing of Gaza,” by Yuval Abraham, in +972 Magazine. The exposé is based on the testimonies of seven former and active duty Israeli intelligence professionals, among others, who are distraught over the killing and destruction. They report on the “power targets” chosen for shock effect, such as private residences, infrastructure, and public buildings, as opposed to military targets. The article makes clear that, behind the goal of “exterminating Hamas,” lies a deliberate decision to make Gaza uninhabitable, terrorizing the population to flee. The objective to be achieved has nothing more to do with a legitimate war on terrorists.

Were the United States to intervene forcefully against the Netanyahu government and support the opposition forces in Israel, the slaughter could be stopped (cf. below). That would mean breaking with the legacy of a diabolical Henry Kissinger, who just passed away, and well before him, of the British Empire, which designed the entire Middle East at the time to be a cockpit of war, ignitable whenever necessary to save the imperial system. An “honorable” organ for that system today is the City of London’s Financial Times, which warned Dec. 1 that the Israeli government is prepared for a “very long war” to wipe out the enemy once and for all.

The last serious effort for peace in Southwest Asia, the Oslo Accord signed by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat in 1993, included economic annexes detailing far-reaching economic cooperation. A renewal of such an approach, based on Lyndon LaRouche’s “Oasis Plan”, is being circulated massively in the United States and worldwide, to provide a solution based on mutual economic benefit (cf. SAS 45-48/23). But the conflict in South-West Asia is only one front in the West’s desperate attempt to ensure the survival of the “unipolar world” and its “military-financial complex”. But that attempt is doomed. The way out is for the U.S. and Europe to cooperate with China and Russia in bringing about a completely new security and development architecture, as proposed by the Schiller Institute and as recognized by a growing number of “non Western” countries, including at the ongoing COP28 conference (cf.below).