Switzerland Takes Another Step Away from Neutrality

The Swiss government (Federal Council) formally approved on Aug. 21, the country’s participation in two projects of the European Union’s military pact called the Permanent Structured Cooperation project (PESCO for short). The Military Mobility program aims to facilitate cross border transport and deployments of the various armed forces in all the participating countries, which would simply Swiss operations abroad.

The decision was strongly denounced by the Swiss People’s Party as a violation of Switzerland’s neutrality. In statement posted on its website the same day, the SPP charges that the Federal Council “is thereby carelessly giving up our country’s neutrality and sovereignty. By participating in the EU military pact, the Federal Council is also negligently putting the security of the Swiss population at risk. The SPP demands that the Federal Council submit this matter to Parliament.”

According to this statement,“the EU requires the participating states in PESCO projects to agree with the EU’s foreign and security policy objectives. However, Switzerland’s goals as a neutral and sovereign state are in no way identical to those of the EU. This is especially true as the EU sees itself as a geopolitical player and has a clear expansionist policy with regard to Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova. Switzerland’s participation in the EU military pact is incompatible with our state’s neutrality and is extremely dangerous for the Swiss population. In addition, Switzerland would lose its sovereignty in national defense.”

The government has denied the charges, of course, claiming that participation in the project would have no impact on decision-making procedures. However, to prepare the population for dwindling neutrality, the government has raised the specter of a possible invasion by Russia of a neighboring country, or Switzerland itself!