The European Union Has No “Peace Plan” for Ukraine

In their joint mission to Kiev on June 16, did the leaders of France, Germany and Italy really do what the Die Welt wrote the next day: “Scholz, Macron and Draghi, who went to Kiev, non-publicly persuaded Zelensky to negotiate with Russia”? On the public side of the talks, as the German daily notes, the three advocated providing Ukraine the […]

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London Floats Global Britain’s Imperial Plan for Eastern Europe

It has apparently dawned on Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi and Olof Scholz that if the war is protracted as Washington and London want, they will be faced with a political and economic catastrophe. However, if they did attempt to persuade Kiev to negotiate a settlement, there is no sign that the Zelensky government is ready to face reality. Not accidentally, […]

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Assange Extradition Order: A Day of Infamy for the United Kingdom

On June 17, British Home Secretary Priti Patel signed the order for the extradition of Julian Assange, co-founder and publisher of Wikileaks, to the United States, where he faces 175 years in prison for disclosing information on war crimes committed by the U.S. and the United Kingdom. The signing follows the ignominious ruling by a UK court in April that […]

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Averting the Perfect Storm: A Call to Action from the Schiller Institute

The Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” was focused on initiating actions worldwide to bring about a new economic and security architecture as soon as possible, given the present economic breakdown, world food crisis and acute war danger. The presentations were grouped into four […]

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A Decoupling of Two Systems or a New Paradigm for Humanity

Speakers from Russia and China added to the picture presented in the first panel of the Schiller Institute conference. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), noted that the “severe economic and military actions against Russia are not a reaction to the deployment in Ukraine, but have been building for years”, for example with the creation […]

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Runaway Inflation or Glass-Steagall?

The second panel dealt more directly with the world food crisis and the urgent need to build infrastructure throughout the world, emphatically including the United States. It opened with an excerpt from a speech by Lyndon LaRouche in September 1994, dealing with precisely that issue. Diane Sare, who is now running as a LaRouche Party independent candidate for U.S. Senate […]

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Principles of Science for Durable Economic Progress

The speakers on Panel III presented many aspects of science from the perspective of economic progress, and the necessity for creative breakthroughs to advance both. Moderator Stephan Ossenkopp, speaking from Berlin, began with an update on the latest insanity on energy policy in Europe, counterposing that mentality to the exciting prospects offered by China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Jason Ross, […]

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Classical Culture and the Dialogue of Civilizations

The final panel of the Schiller Institute conference began with two musical examples of classical beauty — a video performance of the Kyrie from Wolfgang Mozart’s Requiem, by the Schiller Institute chorus from 2014; and a 1990s performance by the late operatic tenor George Shirley of the Spiritual Little Boy, arranged by Roland Hayes. The speakers who followed presented different […]

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How the West Can Break out of Its Isolation

The overriding issue in the world today is whether the United States and Europe can be brought into the growing dynamic in favor of a new paradigm in international relations, together with a financial system oriented to real economic development and the general welfare. That dynamic is being spurred by the so-called Western powers themselves in their desperate efforts to […]

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Central Banks Raise Rates, But They Can’t Control Inflation

The timid interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank sent global stock markets into a free fall last Friday and again this week, but they won’t stop the hyperinflationary spiral. Not because current inflation has nothing to do with the money supply, but exactly the opposite. True, energy and energy-related prices account for 80% of […]

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