Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina: Fascist Insurgencies Underway in South America

Following the Dec. 28 arrest of Luis Fernando Camacho, the governor of Bolivia’s Santa Cruz department, the neo-Nazi apparatus which the governor and his allies control in the region went on a violent rampage, attacking government buildings and agencies, injuring and torturing government employees, burning vehicles, and issuing hit lists of “traitors to Santa Cruz”. Camacho was arrested on charges of […]

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Turning the Tide in 2023

Just one year ago, in our first issue for 2022, we were relieved to report that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council had signed, for the first time, a declaration stating that “nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought”. But since then, with the breath-taking escalation of the proxy war between Russia and NATO […]

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2023: Time for Mankind to Finally Reach Adulthood

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chair of the international Schiller Institute, issued the following statement in a video address on Dec. 31: The New Year 2023 must become the year where humanity reaches the age of adulthood. That means, we must leave behind us childish, geopolitical squabbling, where nations fight each other as if we were spoiled brats, aiming war toys against each […]

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Have All Diplomatic Bridges between Europe and Russia Been Burnt?

In a Dec. 22 interview to the Naples daily Il Mattino, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin relaunched the idea of a new European security infrastructure, along the lines of the historic 1975 Helsinki conference. However, he said, the “reality is bitterly this: neither the aggressors nor the aggressed accept at this time to sit at the negotiating table”. All […]

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Russian Economy Expanding, Contrary to Europe’s

In issuing the first round of sanctions against Russia last February, the European Commission and EU governments assured us that it would force Russia to its knees and make war-financing impossible. We are now at the ninth round of sanctions, and the opposite has occurred: the Russian economy has expanded and EU economies are shrinking. A brief and partial overview: […]

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EU’s “Global Gateway” Exposed From the Inside as a Flop

As we pointed out from the beginning, the EU’s “Global Gateway Initiative” (GGI), designed to compete with China’s Belt and Road policy, was an empty shell doomed to fail (cf. SAS 38/21, 7, 48/22). It has since been exposed as a failure even within the Commission. On Nov. 30, 2022, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament held […]

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China’s Optimistic Perspectives for 2023

As the year 2022 drew to a close, some Chinese media turned to the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche for her assessment of what China has accomplished so far and what needs to be done in the coming year. On New Year’s Eve, CGTN YouTube posted an 8.5 minute video by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, titled, “China and the EU — What To […]

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With Lula Da Silva, Brazil Set to Join the New Paradigm

On Jan. 1, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was inaugurated for the third time as President of Brazil, having previously served for two terms from 2003-2010. Since his disgraced predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, had fled the country on Dec. 30 for Florida, Lula and his Vice President Geraldo Alckmin were sworn in by the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the […]

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Kiev’s Infamous Hit List Is Back, Targeting the Schiller Institute

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) posted once again on Dec. 20 a list of Western figures it charges with promoting “Russian propaganda”. Number one on the list is Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and head of the international Schiller Institute. The people named are accused of such alleged “crimes” as publicly advocating a peaceful settlement to the conflict, pointing to NATO’s role […]

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