Vladimir Putin’s View of the End of the Unipolar World

Whatever Western leaders may think of Vladimir Putin and his policies, they would do well to listen to his view of how the world is evolving and why. He expressed just that clearly in remarks to the Duma on July 7 (English translation available here). His criticism of the West’s policy is shared by a large majority of the world, […]

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Assassination of Shinzo Abe: The War Party’s Show of Force?

Astute observers see in the assassination on July 8 of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a dangerous show of force by the war party. The message is clear: any leader or nation that breaks ranks on the anti-Russia and anti-China policy will suffer the consequences. Shinzo Abe was the most powerful political leader in Japan, and among the strongest […]

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European Union: Energy Crisis Forces Reality Check

The perfect storm of hyperinflation, energy shortages, a resurgence of COVID and industrial layoffs is now starting to hit the EU. It could have been fully avoided, had governments: 1. prevented the ECB from bailing out the bankrupt financial system with hyperinflationary monetary expansion; 2. avoided the flight forward out of fossil fuels; 3. carried out at the very least a feasibility study […]

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Nitrogen Emissions: A Fake Crisis in Farming

While busy spreading fake news on the war in Ukraine, western media have almost completely blacked out the farmers’ revolt that has paralyzed the Netherlands in the last two weeks. The protest action is backed by the population as well as by farmers internationally, who are ready to take to the streets in their nations as well. Protests have already […]

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After Boris Johnson, Worse May Be Yet to Come

After the resignation en masse of over 50 members of his government, the scandal-ridden Boris Johnson finally resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on July 7. The political circus of the previous weeks had prompted former U.K. Ambassador Craig Murray, a fierce critic of Britain’s imperial policy, to comment in a post on his website on July 6: […]

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British Chief of General Staff Prepares for War against Russia

The Chief of the British Army’s General Staff, Gen. Sir Patrick Sanders, delivered on June 28 his first public speech since taking office, which was characterized by Italian Gen. (ret) Fabio Mini as “a declaration of war against Russia”. Sanders’ concepts are not new, but confirm that the British Empire’s strategy will not change despite the ousting of Boris Johnson. […]

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Yemen: A Humanitarian Crisis of “Unimaginable Horror”

The conflict in Europe has overshadowed reports on the dire situation in Yemen, where at least 19 million “are going hungry” according to the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs, or nearly two-thirds of the total population. A new report by the International Committee of the Red Cross confirms that the eight years of armed conflict, economic hardship, and deteriorating health […]

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Sri Lanka Has a Debt Problem, But It’s Not Due to China

Last April, as a result of the soaring food and fuel prices, compounded by the effects of the Corona pandemic, Sri Lanka was forced to default on payment of foreign bonds, and the Central Bank shortly thereafter declared the country in a preemptive default. For many months before that, the government had been unable to provide the foreign currency to […]

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NATO Summit Declares Unity Against Russia and China, but Can It Hold?

The heads of state and government participating in the NATO summit in Madrid June 28-30 adopted a new Strategic Concept. As expected, it presents the Russian Federation as “the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area”, that might even might attack “the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of NATO members. Thus, […]

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How Political Discourse in the United States Is Controlled

As inflation continues to soar, driving food and fuel prices ever higher, as infrastructure crumbles and productivity declines, where are the political leaders who should be addressing these concerns? Poll after poll confirms that the number one issue for Americans is the economy, particularly the devastating effects of rising prices on living standards. The same polls show confidence in President […]

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