Stop The British Plot for a Second Front in the Balkans

A deflagration of the latent conflict at the Serbia-Kosovo border was temporarily defused at the beginning of August, when the Pristina government suspended for one month, under EU and US pressure, the introduction of a license plate regulation for ethnic Serbs. Nonethless, the Balkans remain a powder keg, to which some are ready to put a spark. While many connect […]

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EU Officials Charged with “Bullying” Africa

At her public press conference with Antony Blinken on Aug. 8, South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor, was asked by a journalist about those that want to force Africa to choose between Russia and China or the West. She mentioned in her answer that “in our interaction with some of our partners in Europe and elsewhere, there has been a […]

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Ukrainian Disinformation Center Forced to Suppress Its Infamous “Hit List”

As a result of the vigorous international mobilization, catalyzed by the Schiller Institute and taken up by other individuals from different political orientations, Kiev’s “Center for Countering Disinformation” (CCD) has removed from its website its blacklist of over 70 international figures accused of spreading “Russian propaganda” and being “information terrorists” (cf. SAS 31, 32/22). The CCD, which is funded by […]

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The Courage to Break with the Anglo-American War Policy?

“The world needed Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan like it needs a new global pandemic”, is how Helga Zepp-LaRouche characterized the visit of the Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives to Taipei on Aug. 1 (cf. SAS 31/22). With Pelosi’s grandstanding, the United States de facto violated its official commitment to the One China policy and clearly signalled its support […]

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The Prospects of International Trade Outside the Dollar-Based System

Chas Freeman is among the most experienced U.S. diplomats, who accompanied U.S. President Richard Nixon as his interpreter during his historic visit to China fifty years ago. In the last issue of our newsletter we published excerpts of an interview he gave to EIR’s Mike Billington dealing with strategic issues. In addition, he addressed the question of an alternative to […]

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Plans in Berlin to Criminalize Social Protests as “Enemies of Democracy”

German Economics Minister Robert Habeck claims he shares the population’s worries about price inflation and severe cuts in living standards, but his policy is one of deindustrialization and drastic austerity. Rather than acting against speculators on energy markets, he intends to bail out the traders in danger of default by imposing a special new tax on private consumers and industries […]

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The Next European Government to Fall Could Be in Athens

The Greek government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis could become the fourth NATO government to collapse since the June 29 NATO summit in Madrid – following the demise of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the resignation of Mario Draghi in Rome and the ouster of Kiril Petkov’s ruling coalition in Bulgaria. The Mitsotakis government has acted as the most pro-American and […]

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International Responses to Ukraine’s Notorious Hit List

Following the publication of the notorous “Foreigners in the Service of the Kremlin” list by the Center for Countering Disinformation, the Schiller Institute circulated a statement denouncing what is seen as implicit death threats, which has been signed by 35 persons (cf. SAS 31/22 and In addition, many of the 72 persons named have issued their own statements, including […]

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