The Doomsday Clock Is Just Minutes Away from Midnight

The world has never been closer to a nuclear war, in a global situation more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis. Western leaders assure us it’s all Russia’s fault, but cover up the fact that the conflict in Ukraine has become a direct war of NATO against Russia since at least mid-September (cf. SAS 38/22). That escalation includes, as we […]

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Swiss Weekly Asks: “Are We Governed by Lunatics?”

A sober assessment of the current danger was given in the Swiss weekly Weltwoche, in a Sept. 23 editorial by Roger Köppel. After reviewing the evolution of the confrontation with Russia, up to the acute danger we face today, Köppel notes that “The more the Americans and the Europeans get caught up in their feverish spiral of aggression, the longer, […]

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Italian General Elections: What Will Change

The good news about the general elections held on Sept. 25 in Italy is that voters have unequivocally punished Mario Draghi and his legacy; the bad news is that “Draghism”, while kicked out from the main door, might come back through the window. The elections were won by the center-right alliance, with 43.79% in the Chamber of Deputies and 44.2% […]

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Self-Imposed Deindustrializaton Stalks Germany

Contradicting the German government’s narrative that “we have everything under control”, virtually all business associations, big and small, have sounded the alarm: the country may well be heading into an unprecedented economic disaster. The same could be said of all other European countries that have voluntarily cut themselves off from Russian gas supplies thought sanctions, coming on top of the […]

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What Ukrainian Democracy?

Lost in all the chatter about “defending Ukrainian democracy” coming from officials in the U.S. and U.K. governments and spokesmen for the European Union is a simple reality that these fraudsters are doing their best to keep hidden: the post-coup governments of Ukraine — including that of Zelensky — have moved to silence all domestic opposition, by shutting down press […]

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United Kingdom Presses for “Economic NATO” at UN General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly this year was largely overshadowed by the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine and the growing danger of a wider war. However, the developing nations did not go along with the Russia-bashing and secondarily the China-bashing tirades of a number of transatlantic leaders and their defense of the use of economic sanctions. U.S. President Biden delivered his […]

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Are They Seriously Considering a Nuclear World War?

On Sept. 13, the government of Ukraine presented its proposed Kiev Security Compact, which demands NATO Article 5-type guarantees for Ukraine. That means, concretely, that NATO should directly deploy its full military might against Russia, on Ukraine’s behalf. The document was drafted by a working group on security co-chaired by Ukraine’s Chief of the Presidential Office Andrii Yermak and former […]

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China-Russia Cooperation Can Become a Model for International Relations

The heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept. 15-16, took the occasion to reaffirm the need for mutual economic development and their rejection of a “unipolar world” dictated from the West. It was stressed during the event that the member countries (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – soon to […]

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