Appeal to Chancellor Scholz from SPD and Labor to Press for a Ceasefire

The traditional labor movement in Germany finally launched a powerful appeal to Chancellor Scholz on March 31 under the title “Make Peace! Armistice and Common Security Now!”. The call, signed by 100 leaders, was initiated by historian Peter Brandt, the son of former German Chancellor Willy Brandt, who originally launched the policy of détente with Soviet leader Brezhnev in the […]

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The Odd Couple Heads to Beijing

Ursula von der Leyen and Emmanuel Macron are in China from April 5 to 7. They make a strange couple indeed, one with an olive branch and the other one with a gun. But the difference may be only apparent, as the ideological bond between the two is well known (it was Macron who imposed Ursula as Commission President, bypassing […]

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Switzerland, Italy: Bank Separation Makes Headway

In the wake of the Credit Suisse debacle, the need to reinstate a strict separation of banks along Glass-Steagall criteria in order to avoid future bank bailouts is gaining support in Europe. In Switzerland, the bipartisan coalition that campaigned for bank separation in 2009-2014 is being formed again, while the leading government party in Italy, Fratelli d’Italia, has filed a […]

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Trump Indictment Is a Dangerous Miscalculation

As always in trying to understand the political storms surrounding Donald Trump, beginning with Russiagate and continuing up to his indictment last week by a New York City prosecutor, a deep dive into context is essential, as nothing which appears on the surface is real. That is why the former President’s characterization of reporting about him as “fake news” resonates […]

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Mexico and Brazil Balk at Washington’s Notion of Democracy

It’s an understatement to say that President Biden’s second “Summit for Democracy” on March 28-30 was not the success he had planned. The president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, called it “a bad idea that won’t go away”, given that “American democracy is hardly a model for others”. And Financial Times editor Edward Luce pointed to the […]

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Reserve the Date of April 15 for the Schiller Institute Conference

“Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet”, is the theme of the international online conference the Schiller Institute will hold on Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 4 pm to 11 pm CET, featuring speakers from around the world. The proceedings will be in English, with simultaneous translation provided in French, German and […]

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Renflouement des banques, encore une récidive

Faillites bancaires, ruées sur les dépôts, chute des bourses, injections de liquidités. On pourrait croire à une réplique de 2008, mais ce serait trompeur car c’est bien pire ! Prenons les pertes subies par les banques suite à la dépréciation de leurs actifs due à la hausse des taux. Selon une étude du 13 mars 2023 publiée sur le site SSRN, […]

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The Two Major Goals of Xi Jinping in Russia

The visit of President Xi Jinping to Moscow was the subject of a discussion organized by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on her Twitterspace on March 26. Her special guest was Einar Tangen, an American living in China since 2005, who is a leading fellow at the Taihe Institute, an independent, non-profit think tank based in Beijing that promotes global peace and development. […]

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Democracy Is Fine and Good, Until It Jeopardizes the “Rules-Based Order”

This week will see the second meeting of U.S. President Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” take place online March 28-30. What the Biden Administration has not yet realized, is that, outside of the western “cocoon”, the “democracy vs. autocracy” mantra has lost credibility throughout the world. Excluded from the event are those who openly challenge the rules-based order, including China, Russia, […]

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