U.S. Corporate Media Cover up the Latest Pentagon Leaks

The leaking earlier this month of what have been alleged to be Pentagon documents exposing lies spread through the corporate media led to a frenzied search for the source of the leaks. Following “detective” work by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the British intelligence-linked Bellingcat, the alleged leaker was identified and captured. That he is a 21-year […]

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Macron Cautions Europe Not to Become “the Vassal” of Washington

Comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron on his return from China set off a storm of protests within the transatlantic world. In an interview on April 9 with Les Echos, he stated that “strategic autonomy” is crucial to prevent European states from becoming “vassals,” adding that Europe can be “the third pole” versus the United States and China. “We […]

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Switzerland: the Battle for Bank Separation Has Begun!

The Swiss government’s bailout of Credit Suisse, disguised as a takeover by UBS, was rejected by the National Council, the lower house of parliament, during the April 11-13 parliamentary session. A clear majority of MPs rejected the too-big-to-fail (TBTF) policy, requested more bank regulation, including separation of commercial from investment banking, and demanded the government refrain from using the emergency […]

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West Asia: the End of American Hegemony

The diplomatic breakthrough achieved by China in brokering an agreement last month between Iran and Saudi Arabia has continued to bear fruit in all of West Asia over the intervening weeks (cf. SAS 11, 13/23). On April 6, the Saudi and Iranian Foreign Ministers met in Beijing, and signed a joint statement detailing the measures the two “brotherly nations” have […]

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Supplement: Schiller Institute Conference Program

Schiller Institute International Online Conference, April 15-16, 2023 Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet Please register at https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/conference_20230415 PANEL 1—Sat. April 15, 15:00 -18:00 CET The Growing Danger of World War III Underlines the Necessity for a New Security Architecture Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder, The Schiller Institute, Keynote Address Connie Rahakundini […]

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The Bursting Dollar Bubble vs. A New Monetary System

The drive towards a global monetary and financial system as an alternative to the dollar is in full swing. At this point, several countries have made arrangements to use either national currencies in bilateral exchanges, or the yuan (renmimbi) in trade with China or with third parties. One such agreement was just made by China and Brazil, while France’s Total […]

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The Secret Behind The Success of China’s “Trade Invoicing”

While the creation of a new reserve currency is being discussed by the BRICS, the City of London still has delusions about avoiding a collapse of the dollar system. Columnist Gillian Tett, however, in her March 30 article in the Financial Times, is forced to acknowledge that China’s “trade invoicing” system is working quite well and has positioned the yuan […]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses East-West Peace Meeting in Berlin

Reflecting the growing anti-war movement in Germany, a conference was held in Berlin on March 27 under the banner: “Dialogue Instead of Weapons — Nonpartisan Action Against the War”, organized by the East German Advisory Board of Associations (OKV, founded in 1994). The initial impetus to hold the event came from two open letters issued on Jan. 31 by two […]

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