Glass-Steagall Legislation Re-Introduced in U.S. Congress

It’s now official – Joe Biden has announced he will seek a second term as President in 2024. That despite his 80 years of age, his dismal approval ratings and the lack of enthusiasm among the party’s grass roots constituencies. Many of the latter hope for a return of the Democrats to the policies associated with former Presidents Franklin D. […]

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EU Emissions Reform Promises More Deindustrialization and Poverty

The European Parliament passed a reform of the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) market on April 18, which will increase the price of CO₂. The vote ratifies an agreement reached late last year among negotiators for the member states and the Parliament. “Under the reform, factories will lose the free CO₂ allowances they currently receive until 2034. Likewise, shipping […]

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Berlin Sticks to a Course of Self-Destruction

The German government has outdone itself in the past week in terms of aggressive statements and actions aimed at both Russia and China. To begin with Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD), he stated April 21 that it was quite justified for Ukraine to launch attacks on Russian territory, such as the increasingly frequent combat drone deployments it has carried out! […]

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What Is at Stake in the Sudanese Civil War

The conflict in Sudan is throwing the country into a full scale civil war that seriously affects the security of countries throughout the region, including neighboring Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Chad, and Libya. In addition, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states could find themselves dragged into the conflict. Since most, if not all of these […]

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Message to Our Readers from Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche has urged friends of the SI to have a look at the list of speakers of the international online conference that took place on April 15-16, and to view the videos they find to be of the most interest, or the whole proceedings if possible (cf. SAS 16/23 for the list). Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche has also […]

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Time for the West to Jump into the Lifeboat

The acute danger of a new world war, the ongoing collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial system, the re-emergence of a non-aligned movement in the Global South, the moves to de-dollarize the monetary system, the urgent need of a new security architecture, and above all, the basic principles on which to agree to ensure peace and development for all nations – […]

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De-dollarization of The World Economy: Don’t Fixate On Money!

The de-dollarization of the world economy was a central theme at the April 15-16 Schiller Institute international conference (cf. above). While deals have already been struck among several nations to use national currencies in bilateral trade and investments, deliberations are also ongoing on how to create a reserve currency that can replace the dollar in international exchanges, in reaction to […]

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How Russia Can Create a “Chinese-like” Economic Miracle

The key to China’s success in overcoming poverty and achieving record economic growth, and how that can be replicated in other countries, including Russia, was addressed by economist Sergey Glazyev, Minister for the Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, at a special panel discussion on April 4 of the Moscow Economic Forum. He stressed that China’s economic policy […]

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