Central Banks Stick to Controlled Disintegration of the Economy

Last week, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank raised interest rates by a quarter point, apparently unconcerned about what this means for an already contracting economy, and for the banking system itself, where the epidemic of bank failures in the U.S. is by no means under control. The Fed raised rates by 5% in one year — something […]

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U.S. Regional Banks on the Chopping Block

The demise of regional banks in the United States is being accelerated by the sharks of Wall Street, who are shorting their stocks on the future market. As the Wall Street on Parade website reports, Silvergate and First Republic were on that list as of late March 2023, with First Republic holding the top place. Number 2 on the list […]

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EU Goes All Out for War Economy

That the European Union has become virtually synonymous with NATO was corroborated last week by the highest level officials in Brussels. Foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, for example, stated on May 5, at the State of the Union 2023 conference in Florence, that he feels more like a “defense minister” than the EU’s top diplomat, because he’s so busy organizing […]

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De-industrialization Accelerating in Germany at an Alarming Rate

The industrial overview for March issued by the German Economy Ministry shows an alarming drop in industrial output, as well as of new orders. The automotive industry accounts for a particularly large share of the decline, with a 6.5% decrease in production compared to the previous month. The construction sector was down by 4.6%, the machine builders by 3.4%, and […]

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Coronation in London: A Show of Force or a Show of Farce?

Finally, the spectacle of King Charles III being officially crowned has come and gone. The golden coach, the royal scepter with the world’s largest clear-cut diamond, the pompous ceremony in Westminster cathedral, the fairy tale non-stop reporting in the media – all at the cost of an estimated 100 million pounds, for which British taxpayers will have to pay a […]

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Press Freedom and the Freedom of Julian Assange Are Identical!

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, May 3, Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented: “The ‘narrative’ of the MSM is that there are countries, where freedom of the press thrives, such as Norway, which appears again at the top of the relevant index; and that there are countries, where it is suppressed. In reality, in the MSM, honest […]

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Triumph for Anna Netrebko and Universal Culture in Wiesbaden

Russian-Austrian opera star Anna Netrebko celebrated the triumph of universal culture on May 5 and 7 in Wiesbaden, Germany, despite a massive mobilization of the pro-Ukraine lobby, that attempted up to the very last minute to prevent her performance. The star soprano had been hired for a concert performance of Verdi’s Nabucco for the 2023 Maifestspiele by Wiesbaden state theater […]

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Shut Down the Frenetic Drive to Dismember Russia

The issue of EIR’s Executive Intelligence Review dated May 5, 2023 features a lengthy expose by Gretchen Small and Carl Osgood of the obsession of Western geopolitical circles with carving Russia up into small, easily manipulable entities that pose no challenge to the modern-day extended “British empire”. A particularly dangerous example of that obsession was the conference hosted by the […]

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