Schiller Institute Delegation Visits China

A five-member delegation of the Schiller Institute, led by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, paid an exciting and instructive one-week visit to China at the end of May. Through their numerous discussions and tours, the participants, from Germany, France and Sweden, were able to get a good sense of developments in the country and open new circles of friends. As for their interlocutors, […]

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Reviving John F. Kennedy’s “Vision of Peace” Today

On June 10, 1963, less than eight months after his nearly-catastrophic confrontation with the Soviet Union over nuclear missiles the latter had placed in Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) delivered a speech which must be heard by everyone concerned about the existential threat coming from NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine. The decision taken by JFK in Oct. […]

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Why the Washington-London Axis Can’t Win

For all their blustering about “human rights” and “moral superiority”, the trans-Atlantic powers are pursuing a policy of confrontation and war, on all fronts. With China, after the “chip war” initiated by the U.S. government, the Chinese government has now ordered a ban on the purchase of chips from the U.S. manufacturer Micron. The Biden Administration denounced the move as […]

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Two British Neo-Con Stalwarts Admit: The Sanctions on Russia Have Failed

The almost unprecedented economic sanctions applied against Russia have not achieved the desired results, due to the refusal of the “non-West” to go along. That reality was recently acknowledged in two prominent British publications, The Spectator and the Telegraph. Alastair Crooke, a former senior British diplomat with almost 30 years of career at MI6, reported on the admission on May […]

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The BRICS Bank Discusses New Financial Architecture

The New Development Bank, created in 2015 by the five BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), is holding its annual Board of Governors meeting on May 30-31 at the bank’s headquarters in Shanghai. This is the first such meeting chaired by Dilma Rousseff, former Brazilian President and a close ally of Lula da Silva, who was inaugurated just […]

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Germany: A Top Aide to Habeck Who Planned Green Fascism

One of the “brains” of Robert Habeck’s “climate transition policy” is Elga Bartsch, an investment banker who now leads the Economic Policy Division of Habeck’s Economy Ministry, where she is now responsible for the ministry’s annual economic reports. This year — her first on the job — the economic report includes for the first time “climate sustainable” assessments. It is […]

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“Climate Policy” Is A Financial Swindle

As Ms. Bartsch was drafting her 2007 report on The Economics of Climate Change (cf. previous item), the “next major shock to the global economy,” was occurring right at her very bank, Morgan Stanley! One big trading desk alone lost $14.5 billion, dwarfing all previous bank losses in history. Hopelessly bankrupt, the investment bank was bailed out – first by […]

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Background: Follow the Money Trail Behind the Climate Lobby

German Economy Minister and leading member of the Green Party Robert Habeck was finally forced to announce on May 17 the ousting of his state secretary Patrick Graichen, for blatant cronyism. Graichen, the main architect within the ministry of the “energy transition”, played a key role in the web of governmental/non-governmental organizations and banking institutions pushing the so-called Green Deal. […]

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