Where Does China Stand on Human Rights, vs the West?

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen likes to assert, as she did on March 30, that “How China meets international obligation regarding human rights will be another test for how – and how much – we can cooperate with China”. But who decides what constitutes respect for or violation of human rights? An interesting question. And one that was […]

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African Leaders Engage in “Historic” Peace Mission

With the visits of a high-level peace delegation to Kyiv and St. Petersburg June 16-18, Africa has asserted its role in international diplomacy. It is historic in that it marks the first time African leaders have taken on a peace mission beyond the continent. Africa, of course, has been severely hit by the conflict in Ukraine, in terms of increased […]

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Brazil’s Lula Advises von der Leyen to Try Diplomacy

EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen was in Latin America last week, in an attempt to lure leaders of the region away from China and Russia and closer to Brussels, with the promise of a trade agreement, provided strict obligations are agreed to. She began her trip in Brazil, where the issue of the war “in the heart of […]

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Daniel Ellsberg’s Fifty-plus Year Battle Against the Security State

In an interview given to Politico and published less than two weeks before his death on June 16, Daniel Ellsberg demonstrated that neither the cancer which took his life, nor his over five-decades battle against a corrupted military-intelligence establishment, could dim his commitment to peace and justice, nor his passion for truth. In the interview, Ellsberg accused the U.S. government […]

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Urgent Appeal to U.S. Government to Adopt JFK’s Vision of Peace!

An intense four-hour dialogue occurred at the June 10 Schiller Institute online conference dedicated to President John Kennedy’s vision of peace and international relations, and the urgent need to revive it today. The presentations by the group of speakers as well as those intervening in the Q&A reflected the powerful influence of the Kennedy legacy internationally, although it has been […]

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Plastic Bags or Nuclear Missiles: Putting Threats into Perspective

A message to the Schiller Institute online event of June 10 was sent by Dr. Andrey Kortunov, Director-General of the Russian International Affairs Council, which we quote below. “It was sixty years ago, when John F. Kennedy made his historic speech about the challenge of nuclear weapons. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, this challenge was on the very top of […]

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Support for NATO’s War in Ukraine Waning in Europe

Military support will be provided to Ukraine “for as long as it takes”, is the mantra of the hard-core anti-Russian geopoliticians in Europe, but popular support for that view is rapidly eroding. A spectacular manifestation of that was the mass rally of a half million people against the current Polish government in Warsaw on June 4. In particular, the government’s […]

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Germany: A Marie Antoinette Prize for Robert Habeck

The Ludwig Börne Prize is a literary award presented once a year for “outstanding essays, reviews and reportages”, and named after the famous political journalist and revolutionary democrat from Frankfurt, Ludwig Börne (1786-1837). This year, it was awarded to Economy Minister and leading Green Party member Robert Habeck, who was chosen by Jürgen Kaube, author and co-publisher of the Frankfurter […]

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Elon Musk Says “No” to EU Disinformation Censorship

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has withdrawn the platform from the voluntary code of conduct for technology firms, set up by the European Union to combat so-called “disinformation”. Independent columnist Rachel Marsden reported June 4 that “European Union officials are having a meltdown” because of his decision. Note that the code of conduct, revised by the EU last year, is “voluntary” […]

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