Macron’s “New Global Financing Pact”: More Green Gobbledygook

French President Macron convened June 22-23 in Paris 40 heads of state and government, leaders of major international organizations and financial institutions, as well as various CEOs and private investors, for a summit on launching a “new global financing pact”. The official objectives of the Summit were to reform the international financial system, to forge a “more balanced financial partnership […]

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German Government Continues to Nosedive in Polls

After weeks of steady decline, popular support for all three parties in the government coalition combined is down to a dismal 38%. But what is even more remarkable is the rise of the opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is up to 19% in the latest “Deutschlandtrend” poll carried out for German television by the Dimap agency. That puts […]

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The Fraud of the Renewables “Boom”: the Case of Germany

On June 20, German authorities proudly announced that installed solar power at the end of March had increased by 21% compared to March 2022. Nominal power went from 58,500 to 70,180 MW. But nominal power, of course, is not the actual power produced. The latter depends on whether and for how long the sun shines. The fact of the matter […]

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Spain and Morocco Revive Gibraltar Strait Tunnel Project

A railway tunnel project under the Gibraltar Strait, that would connect Africa with Europe for the first time, has just received new funding. According to, Spain’s government gazette confirmed on June 16 that Madrid has approved the sum of €2.3 million for a design study, which is to be transferred to the Spanish Society for Fixed Communication Studies through […]

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The “Non West” Reshapes the Global Economy

While public opinion in Europe and the United States is lectured on the need to wage war against Russia (and China), and to accept a slash in living standards in order to defend “democracy” and “save the planet”, a new paradigm of cooperation and growth is taking hold in the rest of the world. It was aptly addressed by the […]

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The Arab World Looks to China for the Future

The 10th Arab-China Business Conference, held June 11-12 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, signified the shift of Saudi Arabia and many other countries of the region towards business and economic growth with China. Over 30 trade deals were signed during the two days, worth some $10 billion, but that is just the beginning, according to the organizers. The closing keynote speech […]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “De-Risking” Is a Trap

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Times daily is conducting interviews with “renowned scholars, think tanks and financial institutions, sharing their insights and understanding of how this initiative has earned global recognition and growing esteem”. The eighth interview was conducted by Li Xuanmin with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Mrs. LaRouche […]

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Switzerland: Glass-Steagall Would Put an End to “Too Big to Fail”

The Swiss Parliament’s battle against “Too Big to Fail” has entered a new phase. On June 14, the joint Investigative Committee on the bailout of Credit Suisse was established, with a broad mandate to investigate both whether the state of emergency invoked by the government was justified, and the circumstances leading to the bank’s distress, as well as to explore […]

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Will Pragmatists Prevail over Confrontationists in Berlin?

Germany’s new National Security Strategy, presented in Berlin on June 15, targets Russia, as expected, as the main adversary: “Today’s Russia is the greatest threat to peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic area for the foreseeable future. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is a blatant breach of the United Nations Charter and the cooperative European security order… Russia directly […]

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