EIR Recommendations on BRICS Policy Picked up in Russia

In view of the upcoming BRICS summit on Aug. 22-24, EIR and the Schiller Institute issued recommendations which have been picked up by one of the most important figures in the ongoing “de-dollarization” debate among the BRICS, minister of the Eurasian Economic Commission Sergei Glazyev. The EIR paper, drafted by Dennis Small and Mary Jane Freeman, was published in the […]

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A New Political Party in Germany Taking Shape

Since the publication of a petition by Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer on Feb. 10, calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine and peace diplomacy, which was signed by several hundred thousand people, and the mass rally in Berlin on Feb. 25, expectations were high that it would give a boost to the formation of a new political party (cf. SAS […]

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African Development: the EU Talks, China Walks

Despite the EU’s much trumpeted deal with Tunisia of July 16, the flow of irregular migrants over the Mediterranean Sea has not stopped. In the ensuing weeks, an average of 1,000 migrants per day reached Italian shores. In the first six months of this year, ca. 90,000 irregular migrants have reached Italy, twice as many as last year. The mass-migration […]

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A First-Hand Account of the Russia-Africa Summit

Sebastien Périmony, the head of the Schiller Institute’s Africa desk, has posted an 18-minute video reporting on the July 27-28 Russia-African summit in Saint Petersburg, which he attended. Remarkably, the SI was the only Western organization invited to take part in this event, which Périmony explains by the Institute’s constant combat since 1984 “for world peace, mutual development and dialogue […]

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A Project to Light Up Central Africa by 2030

The rates of electrification in Africa are appallingly low. A total of 580 million Africans lack electricity, according to the International Energy Organization, and the worst affected countries are in Central Africa. In Niger, only 3 % of the population has access to electricity; in Chad 9%; in Liberia 11%; in Burkina Faso 20%; in Mauritania 30% and Mali 40%, while […]

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China Plans Maglev System To Travel at 650 km/h

The Chinese cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong Special Administration Region are planning to design and build a maglev train system with a speed of 650 km per hour, that will link all three cities, and then extend elsewhere in China. The plan was disclosed at an Aug. 5 transportation infrastructure forum in Guangzhou, organized by the Chinese Academy […]

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Niger Is Part of the Revolt of the Global South

The July 26 coup in Niger is the latest manifestation of the rejection of the West’s Malthusian policy sweeping over the global South. It is the fourth coup in West Africa, that has nearly liberated francophone Africa from France. On Aug. 6, Niger’s military leaders addressed a rally of tens of thousands of supporters in the national stadium. The same […]

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