A Momentous 72 Hours in Johannesburg, South Africa

The BRICS summit in Johannesburg from Aug. 22-24 is set to be a strategic game-changer, although you would never know it from following mainstream Western media. With the representatives of over 50 countries attending, in addition to the leaders of the five members of the group (Vladimir Putin by video hook-up for security reasons), it will consolidate the fast-moving shift […]

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Brazilian Economist Discusses Credit and a New BRICS Currency

A former vice president of the New Development Bank (2015-17), Brazilian economist Paulo Nogueira Batista, Jr., penned an op-ed on CGTN Aug. 21 titled, “Is a BRICS Currency Feasible?”. He goes beyond the recently common speculations about “de-dollarization” and a new BRICS currency, to link that issue implicitly to the NDB, and to the ability of such a BRICS financial […]

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U.S. Officials Increasingly Warn: We Can’t Defeat Russia Militarily

That the Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia, finally launched June 4 after continuous postponements, has been a complete failure is now acknowledged by all but the most hard-core geopoliticians. But that, unfortunately, does not mean that Western political leaders, beginning with President Biden, have decided to seek an end to the senseless killing and destruction through diplomatic means. Rather, they remain […]

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“Make a Killing” While Financing the War in Ukraine!

The Ukrainian government is heavily financed by Western multilateral institutions, such as the EU and the IMF, as well as by generous loans and grants from individual countries. The total amount pledged by governments, including EU institutions, was over $170 billion as of May 31, 2023 according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Thus, Kyiv does not need […]

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When The EU Was a Fan of the Belt and Road

Under the von der Leyen presidency, the European Commission has launched a hostile policy against China, first calling it a “systemic rival” in March 2019, then launching the so-called “Global Gateway” project as an anti-Belt and Road initiative in September 2021, then finally initiating a “de-risking” policy (another name for “decoupling”) in March 2023. In addition to the fact that […]

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German Government Refuses to Remove Crucial Rail Freight Bottleneck

Once again, cost-cutting bureaucrats and ecologists have joined forces in Germany to sabotage crucial infrastructure projects. The German government, relying on the opinions of “experts” who have no clue about the requirements of rapid and efficient rail freight operations, has now rejected the plan to build a 118 km long tunnel system along the Rhine, between Bonn and Wiesbaden, which […]

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Maui Wildfire Is Not Due to Climate Change

The fire that devastated the island of Maui, one of the archipelago chain of Pacific islands that make up the state of Hawaii, is the deadliest U.S. wildfire in over a century. Environmentalists are demanding that President Biden immediately declare an unprecedented Climate Emergency, with sweeping powers. But the climate is far less a factor in this catastrophe than the […]

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Mark Your Calendar!

The Schiller Institute will hold an international online conference on September 9, beginning 15.00 CET, on the theme: Let us Join Hands with the Global Majority To Create a New Chapter in World History! Please register for the conference at https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/conference_20230909. Simultaneous translation in French, German and Spanish will be available on Zoom for those who register.

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Tectonic Shifts Signal the End of the Colonial Era

On Saturday, Sept. 9 — the opening day of the G20 summit in India, shortly after the BRICS summit in South Africa, and amidst the growing danger of a new world war — the Schiller Institute, with the support of E.I.R., will hold an international online conference titled “Let Us Join Hands with the Global Majority to Create a New […]

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