Ukraine Is Experiencing a Human Catastrophe

Demographic Collapse. While Ukraine’s economy has long since lost the physical ability to reproduce its population’s existence, the country is suffering one of the greatest demographic collapses in the world, which actually began well before the current conflict. Some shocking statistics are provided in an Aug. 20 article for the media network Al Mayadeen English, entitled “Living Conditions in Ukraine Are […]

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Reality vs. Propaganda: a First Hand Report from Xinjiang

Christine Bierre, editor-in-chief of Nouvelle Solidarité, the monthly magazine of France’s Solidarité & Progrès party, was part of a delegation of four experienced investigators that made a study trip to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, from August 18 to 22. Their purpose was to see for themselves what, if any, truth there is to the usual accusations on this region […]

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Only the “West” Is Still Missing in the Worldwide Revolution

A crucial intervention into the “space-time spectrum” of the tectonic shift underway in the world is the way the late Lyndon LaRouche might have described the international online conference convened on Sept. 9 by the Schiller Institute. The event, titled “Let Us Join Hands With the Global Majority”, took place one day after what would have been the 101st birthday […]

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At G20 Summit, Europe Promotes a Bogus Alternative to China’s Belt and Road

The G20 summit in New Delhi did not go well for the Western powers, although outright clashes were avoided. Most significantly, their desire to “Ukrainize” the agenda failed. The final declaration contains much milder language on the Ukraine conflict than at the 2022 summit in Bali, Indonesia, which explicitly deplored the “aggression by the Russian Federation”, and called for its […]

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Even Stoltenberg Admits NATO Provoked the War in Ukraine

In a speech before two committees of the European Parliament on Sept. 7, NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg acknowledged publicly what is very well known privately: that Vladimir Putin decided to launch what he termed a “special military operation” in Ukraine in order to block NATO expansionism up to Russia’s borders. He said: “The background was that President Putin declared in […]

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Russian Economist Sergey Glazyev Takes Note of Strategic Alert’s Defense of Argentina

Sergey Glazyev, Russia’s Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics in the Eurasian Economic Commission, posted links on his Telegram page to issue No. 36 of EIR’s Strategic Alert and to the Schiller Institute’s “Emergency Program for Argentina” reported in that issue, along with the following comment: “And another interesting digest, founded by the legendary thinker Lyndon LaRouche, which is now run […]

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Germany Sinks Further into the Deindustrialization Quagmire

Not least because even CEOs of industrial companies avoid the “d word” (“d” for deindustrialization), Germany’s leading politicians and the mainstream media are still denying the reality of just that. Swiss media, on the contrary, have repeatedly voiced concern that the decline of industrial production in their northern neighbor is adversely affecting industrial sectors in Switzerland, a leading German trade […]

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