China Convenes UNSC Meeting on “Peace Through Development”

The United Nations Security Council held a three-hour special session on Nov. 20 on the theme “Promote Sustaining Peace through Common Development”. It was convened by China, as the most important event of the rotating presidency it holds in November. The discussion there reflects the growing acceptance of the basic principle at the center of Lyndon LaRouche’s science of physical […]

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LaRouche’s Oasis Plan: A Blueprint for Peace through Economic Development in the Middle East

Immediately after the signing of the Oslo Accord in the White House by Israeli and Palestinian leaders in 1993, Lyndon LaRouche and his associates urged the different parties and the international community to implement economic development projects to sustain the peace process. LaRouche and Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) journalists had already developed the “Oasis Plan”, which included both certain economic […]

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The EU’s “Green Deal” Going Down in Defeat

The EU’s insane anti-pesticide and decarbonization policies are being defeated, which is a good thing. However, as the next UN climate conference is about to open in Dubai, the myth of man-made climate change has not yet been challenged as it should be. Two pillars of Ursula von der Leyen’s Green Transition, the pesticide and packaging waste bills, were killed […]

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“Stop the Militarization of Germany!”

The statement made on Oct. 29 by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius that “Germany must be war-ready” with regards to Russia has caused quite an uproar ever since. Although he attempted to backtrack a bit, by claiming he only meant “defense-ready”, it would be naive not to consider this as another phase change in Germany in the direction of a […]

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Has the West Given up on Ukraine?

There is widespread recognition by now, in the United States in particular, that the war in Ukraine has been lost. The latest budget passed by the Congress has not allocated any new funds to the war effort, due to the opposition to funding a losing propsition and also to fears in the White House as the next presidential election draws […]

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Is Nigeria Moving Closer to Joining the BRICS?

With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa and the only one in West-Central Africa able to deploy an Army in the true sense of the term. In virtue of its economic and military power, it holds the regional balance of power. Thus, whether the government formed after the election of a new President last […]

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Transaqua: A Crucial Infrastructure Project for Africa

The Transaqua project had gained renewed momentum in 2018, when it was endorsed by all member countries of the Lake Chad Basin Committee, at an international conference in Abuja organized by the Buhari government. On that occasion, the Italian government had committed to co-finance the feasibility study, but the process got bogged down due to political changes and foreign interference. […]

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Emergency Forum: No More War Crimes! Economic Development, Not Depopulation

A Nov. 5 article titled “Israel Minister Suspended after Calling Nuking Gaza an Option” in Politico reported that “Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu was suspended indefinitely after he said in an interview that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was ‘one of the possibilities,’ the government announced on Sunday”, Nov. 5. It would be supremely irresponsible to not take this […]

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Renewed Diplomatic Efforts to Stop the Slaughter in Gaza

The most important strategic event of last week was the four-hour summit meeting between Presidents Biden and Xi on Nov. 15 in San Francisco, which both sides reported were constructive and reduced the growing conflict opposing the two major powers (cf. below). It is assumed, although not officially confirmed, that the two leaders also discussed the war in Ukraine and […]

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UN Officials Mobilize International Opinion, But Go Unheard in Brussels

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has insisted time and again that he will not yield to the “heavy opposition” from around the world, but if the United States, in particular, indicates it will withdraw its until-now unconditional support, the Israelis will have to accept compromises. Thus, Netanyahu’s allies are very worried about the growing protests inside the U.S., especially among Jewish […]

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