A Concrete Example of the Perspective for Cooperation and Real Development

“We are organizing this Oasis Conference to inject a perspective of hope and show a way out of an otherwise desperate, extremely dangerous, and indeed, catastrophic situation in Southwest Asia.” With this forward-looking challenge, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairwoman of the international Schiller Institute, began her keynote speech to the Institute’s April 13 online conference devoted to the Oasis Plan, “The LaRouche […]

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A Brief Overview of Panel I of the Schiller Institute Oasis Plan Conference

After opening remarks by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (cf. above), two ambassadors from Palestine had the floor: H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Ambassador to Denmark; and H.E. Mounir Anastas, Palestinian Ambassador to UNESCO. Professor Hassassian said that Palestine had been conquered many times in history, pointing to the Balfour Mandate that unleashed a century of aggression and ethnic cleansing in the forced creation […]

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Will Tehran Avoid the Trap of a Pawn on a Chessboard?

From the moment Israeli missiles destroyed the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1, in flagrant violation of international law, the international community was speculating over the reprisals the Islamic Republic vowed to take. It was only 12 days later – after the United States and other Western countries had refused to condemn the bombing – that the counter-attack was […]

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Washington in the Grip of Growing Political Turmoil

With a rerun of the 2020 election underway between the same two candidates, whom polls show are widely disliked, it is no surprise that the U.S. is facing intense political turmoil seven months before voters go to the polls. There are deepening splits within both parties, driven by the growing recognition that the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is […]

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Self-Inflicted Economic Contraction Plagues the European Union

The gap between the higher curve (financial aggregates) and the lower one (physical economy) in Lyndon LaRouche’s “Typical Collapse Function” keeps growing, approaching the day of reckoning which, as the great American economist has forecast, will inevitably occur, either in the form of a chain-reaction collapse or of a hyperinflationary blowup. This is the dynamic underlying the global strategic crisis […]

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Olaf Scholz Misses the Chance to Improve German-Chinese Relations

The engagement of German industrial companies in China is undoubtedly well-intentioned, and so is the Chinese view of their implication, as reflected in a long article in the April 14 Global Times, on the arrival of Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the country. However, his visit in Chongqing on the first day, which began with a tour to a Bosch factory […]

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Kyiv’s “Information Warfare” Unit Targets Schiller Institute and Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), has published a new “analytic report” of a “large-scale Russian disinformation campaign” it alleges is ongoing in Germany. The summary of the April 8 “report” asserts that it has “established that the Schiller Institute, under the leadership of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, is a platform for promoting narratives consonant with Russian propaganda”. The reasons given for […]

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Schiller Institute Conference Preliminary Program, April 13, 2024

Panel 1 • 17:00 CET Creating the Conditions for Dialogue, Security, Peace, and Development in Southwest Asia Moderator: Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute • Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche • H.E. Prof. Dr. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Ambassador to Denmark • Ambassador of a BRICS nation • H.E. Donald Ramotar, Former President of Guyana • H.E. Pavel Shidlovsky, Chargé d’Affaires of Belarus […]

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