Opposition to War Drive in Europe Is Weak, but Growing

Europe moved a giant step toward direct military confrontration with Russia last week, with the permission given to Kyiv to strike military bases in pre-2014 Russia with weapons delivered by NATO member countries. In addition, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands announced a substantial increase in delivery of F-16 aircraft and other weapons systems capable of reaching targets deep inside […]

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The ECB Blames Inflation on Climate Change

With consumers shunning electro-mobility, farmers throughout Europe revolting against the “renaturation” laws and decarbonization targets far from being reached, the financial Green Bubble threatens to pop, taking with it the mega-profits hoped for by investors. This has prompted the European Central Bank to sound the alarm. In seeking to persuade governments to finance the bubble nonetheless, ECB officials have come […]

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Washington’s Latest “Gaza Peace Proposal” Is a Non-Starter

U.S. President Biden announced on May 31, that as a result of his great personal efforts and those of his diplomatic and intelligence team, a grand “roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages” has been pulled together, which if Hamas accepts, will eventually lead to peace. An unnamed “senior administration official” then gave a background briefing […]

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United States: LaRouche Candidates Diane Sare and Jose Vega Take on Permanent War Machine

Polls of U.S. voters continue to show profound unhappiness with candidates in both parties approaching the 2024 presidential election. Both President Biden and former President Trump, the major candidates, have unfavorability ratings approaching 60%, while the approval rating of Congress has crashed to 15%. The physical economy continues to decay, and polarization around social issues and “identity politics” has left […]

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Chang’e-6 Retrieves Soil Samples from the Far Side of the Moon

On June 2, China’s Chang’e-6 spacecraft landed on the Moon’s far side for a second time, and was able, for the first time, to collect rock samples from the oldest lunar basin to bring back to Earth (cf. SAS 19/24). After successfully touching down in the northeastern part of the South Pole-Aitken basin, which was created more than four billion […]

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Save the Dates of June 15-16 for SI Conference

  The Schiller Institute will hold an international online conference on June 15-16, just one week after the results of the European Parliament elections, to discuss the need of “A New Peace of Westphalia”. The invitation to the event is included at the end of our newsletter.

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Drone Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Brings Us Closer to Nuclear World War

The international Schiller Institute immediately launched a Red Alert mobilization on May 25, once the information began circulating that Ukrainian drones had struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar region, a component of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack, on May 23. This radar is one of the pillars in Russia’s nuclear […]

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Military Experts Sound the Alarm

In launching its Red Alert mobilization, the Schiller Institute quickly consulted numerous military and intelligence specialists, who expressed their grave concern over the meaning of the attack and its consequences. A sampling of the responses follows. Dr. Theodore Postol, Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and National Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, nuclear weapons expert, U.S. “The Russian satellite-based […]

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