Julian Assange Is Free, But Justice Has Yet to Be Done

Finally, after five years spent mostly in solitary confinement in Belmarsh Prison near London, which was preceded by seven years holed up in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in the British capital, Julian Assange was freed on June 26. The next day, he was reunited with his family in Australia, freed at last from a Kafkaesque ordeal. The last five […]

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Israeli Officials Admit: Hamas Cannot Be Defeated

Philippe Lazzarini, the head of UNRWA, again presented a catastrophic overview of the situation in the Gaza Strip, particularly as it affects children. An “entire generation” could be lost due to hunger and poverty, he warned last week in Geneva. Gaza is a “living hell” for 2 million people, with children dying from malnutrition and dehydration, “while food and clean […]

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IMF to Kenya: Let Them Eat Bullets!

Demands by the International Monetary Fund that Kenya implement an internal looting policy in order to pay off its foreign debt has sparked a massive nationwide anti IMF and anti government movement, primarily led by young people calling themselves Generation X. The protests began after the government of President William Ruto introduced on May 9 the Finance Bill 2024, which […]

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Europe on the Threshold of a New War

On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented a comprehensive initiative for a new Eurasian security architecture, including a negotiated peace to stop the escalating war in Ukraine, for the world’s consideration. He explicitly mentioned that his proposal was designed to ensure the security of all nations, including those of Europe and NATO. The proposal on Ukraine was rejected out […]

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Russia-North Korea Pact: the Name of the Game Is Deterrence

After provoking conniptions in Western capitals with his call for a Eurasian security alliance, open to all European nations, the Russian President again took the West by surprise by traveling to Pyongyang June 18 for a two-day visit, where he announced Russia’s new strategic partnership with North Korea. That includes the commitment to come to each other’s aid in the […]

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Call from East Germany to Support President Putin’s Peace Initiative

The June 21 online meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) heard a report from Joachim Bonatz, the Vice President of the East German OKV, an umbrella organization of different social and cultural associations in eastern Germany, on their support for the peace initiative announced on June 14 by Vladimir Putin. The OKV statement, which was overwhelmingly supported by the […]

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France: Cheminade Leads an Exemplary Anti-War Campaign

With legislative elections scheduled for next Sunday, after only two weeks of campaign, France seems headed for severe instability (cf. SAS 24, 25/24). The polls still give a comfortable lead to the Rassemblement national, followed by the popular front of the left, with Emmanuel Macron’s party a distant third. But how the second round of the elections on July 7 […]

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The Losers of the European Elections Ignore the Popular Vote

On July 16, the new European Parliament will convene its first plenary session, at which time it is supposed to elect its own President and the President of the new European Commission. But the latter choice will not be sovereign, as the candidate for Commission head will have already been decided by the European Council. The European Parliament can only […]

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The Contentious Visit to China of Germany’s Economy Minister

During the visit of Economy Minister Robert Habeck to China on June 22-23, his Chinese interlocutors would have liked to hear a clear German “no” on two main issues: the EU’s special tariffs on e-cars manufactured in China, and on the EU’s “de-risking” strategy for deals with China. That view had been expressed shortly before the delegation’s arrival by the […]

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United States: Candidates Defending Palestinians Targeted by AIPAC Money

Voters in the 16th Congressional District of New York State (to the immediate north of New York City) are stunned when informed that the Democratic primary election for that seat has attracted nearly $25 million in contributions — mostly for George Latimer, who is challenging the incumbent, Jamaal Bowman. Latimer is the beneficiary of funds coming from the leading organization […]

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