Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Conference of New Sovereignist Party in Italy

Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche was a guest speaker at a July 27 panel on “The Ghost of Sovereignism Is Once Again Haunting Europe”, which was part of the three-day “Forum of Italian Independence” that took place in Orvieto, Italy, July 26-28. On the panel with Mrs. LaRouche were Francesco Toscano, president of Democrazia Sovrana e Popolare, German MP Mathias […]

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Why Sovereignty Is Indispensable

In answer to a question at the Orvieto Forum, Helga Zepp-LaRouche raised the means to reverse the current decline of Europe. “So, what is the way out? The way out is that we have to think completely differently. If we stick to normal party politics, or normal procedures, I don’t think there is a way out. But we need to […]

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Macron’s End-of-Reign Finds a Fitting Symbol

Much has been written and said about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris which shocked many throughout the world for its depravity, even some among the jaded population of Western Europe. The contrast with the notion of a cultural renaissance evoked at the same time by Helga Zepp-LaRouche could hardly be greater (cf. above). We will just […]

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Hungary’s Orbán Adresses the Collapse of the Western System

At a ceremony in Romania on July 27, the Hungarian Prime Minister raised some remarkable points, which will hopefully be read and reflected upon by other European leaders. While one may strongly object to Viktor Orbán’s positions on a number of other issues, on the points brought up here, he shows more insight than his European counterparts. Speaking at the […]

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Has Germany Accepted to Become the Prime Target of Russian Counter-Attacks?

According to the meager official information available, the visit of new British Defense Minister John Healey to Berlin for talks with his German counterpart Boris Pistorius involved discussion on “intensified defense cooperation”, and an agreement the exact contents of which were not disclosed. According to the Times, it includes the development of long-range, precision strike missiles with a range of […]

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African Energy Bank Formed to Provide the Credit Cut off by the West

Africa has created its own Energy Bank to finance hydrocarbon development on the continent, and make up for the credit denied by Western financial institutions as part of the global transition out of hydrocarbons. First proposed by the African Petroleum Producers Organization (APPO) in May 2022, the charter of the Africa Energy Bank was just signed in June of this […]

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United States: Disarray in Democratic Party Portends National Chaos

The U.S. electorate has been left with its head spinning, reeling from one shock after another, as the long-running soap opera of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election continues. Since the June 27 “debate”, when President Biden spent the first hour fumbling, while appearing to be in a frail, near-catatonic state, the calls for him to step down escalated, coming from […]

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Investigation Needed into Near-Assassination of Donald Trump

Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin is investigating the security failures that allowed a young man to fire on Donald Trump on July 13. Following the incident, Johnson’s office reportedly began compiling a preliminary report, which quickly revealed enormous security holes and other grave errors on the part of the Secret Service, which is the highly specialized federal agency responsible […]

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