Are We Really Prepared to Risk Nuclear War over Ukraine or Taiwan?

On numerous occasions in recent weeks, Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp LaRouche has lamented the silence from official circles regarding the danger of present flash points blowing up into full scale war. In a dialogue on May 13, she described the situation as “so explosive” that if “we don’t change course,” we could end up “sleepwalking” into war, as in […]

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Joe Biden Gives Bibi Netanyahu a Free Hand

Former Virginia State Senator Richard H. Black has often said that Joe Biden has never seen a war he didn’t like, pointing out that as U.S. Senator, Biden had voted for both Iraq wars as well as military interventions in Syria and Libya. Now, he is giving full support to Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians, despite the suffering […]

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The Coming Wave of Inflation Demands LaRouche Economics

The current debate on inflation recalls the figure of Don Ferrante in Alessandro Manzoni’s famous I promessi sposi (The Betrothed) novel. Don Ferrante was an Aristotelian who, in the midst of the 17th century bubonic plague in Milan, concluded that, the disease being neither accident nor substance, it simply did not exist. Eventually, Don Ferrante died of the plague. Similarly, […]

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Germany: The Green Party Flaunts Its Pro-NATO, Atlanticist Views

There are a number of scenarios now circulating in Germany as to what the next federal government will look like if the Green Party effectively wins the chancellorship. In addition a possible coalition with the CDU-CSU, the option of a tripartite coalition with the SPD and the Left (Linke) is also being discussed, but given the pro-NATO views of chancellor […]

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Xinjiang, Gaza: The West’s Insufferable Hypocrisy on Human Rights

At a reception for foreign diplomats in Bejing on May 13 at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the president of the Xinjiang Islamic Association, Abdureqip Tomurniyaz, who heads the school for Islamic studies in Xinjiang, accused anti-China forces in the U.S. and other Western nations of spreading rumors and lies. “They want to sabotage Xinjiang’s harmony and […]

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Schiller Institute Panel: How to Reverse the Global Pandemic

The second panel of the May 8 Schiller Institute conference was centered on the need for a concerted, global effort to ensure the creation, in every country, of a modern healthcare system to defeat the current and future pandemics (cf. SAS 19/21 for a report on Panel I of the conference). It brought together medical personnel, farmers, and youth from […]

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Global Health Security Requires Medical Infrastructure in Every Country!

The European Commission and the Italian government as current chair of the G20 will hold a Global Health Summit online on May 21, 2021, in Rome. The stated intention is to release a “Rome Declaration” of principles “to guide future cooperation in preventing and responding to global health crises,” from lessons learned so far from the COVID-19 pandemic. Commission President […]

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Climate Lobby Financiers Present Antithesis to Schiller Institute Approach

Sorry about that, but keeping people healthy by providing them with modern hospital facilities and surgery generates far too many greenhouse gases, we simply must cut back to save the planet. Such is the argument now pushed by the financial interests behind the climate change crazies. Thus, after demonizing industry, modern agriculture and great infrastructure projects, the same insanity is […]

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The March to Folly, and How to Stop It

The May 8 Schiller Institute conference was opened by Helga Zepp-LaRouche with a dramatic appeal to reverse the current strategic dynamic, which is catapulting the world toward the “potential extinction of civilization”. The conference, held under the banner of the need for a new paradigm to overcome the current moral collapse of the Trans-Atlantic world, brought together speakers from many […]

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