Annalena Baerbock, A Green Chancellor Candidate “in Sync with Biden”

The aim of the “EU-US Future Forum” organized by the Atlantic Council is to develop a “new transatlantic agenda”. The featured speaker at its May 6 event titled “the Transatlantic Relationship and the Green Transition” was the chancellor candidate of the German Green Party, Annalena Baerbock. The Council summarized some highlights of her speech on Russia and China ( as […]

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The West Should Develop a Promising Vision for the Future, Instead of Complaining about China’s

ChinaPlus ‘World Today’ Radio Program interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche on April 29, following the release by the OSCE of a new report on prospects for cooperation between the 57 participating states and China, in which a principal author, Stefan Wolff, proposes that the OSCE consider China as a partner for cooperation. Zepp-LaRouche fully supported that approach, noting: “Right now, you have […]

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Conference Report

The War against Syria and the Collapse of the Western Colonialism Paradigm “Restore International Law: Respect Syria’s Perfect Sovereignty,” was the topic taken up at the May 8 Schiller Institute conference by Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, the Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency. She noted that for the last ten years Syria has been “fighting a double-edge war,” one […]

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New Cold War: Henry Kissinger Issues a Sensible Warning, the Biden Team Sticks to Provocations

For many years, Lyndon LaRouche identified Henry Kissinger as an example of what’s wrong with American foreign policy. While Kissinger’s ego caused him to treat his version of “realpolitik” as novel and creative, LaRouche insisted that he was, at his core, one who always operated within the realm of classical British imperial geopolitics, against the true national interests of the […]

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Anglo-American Elite Admits: Green Transition Is Geopolitical Race for Resources

Those who may doubt our newsletter’s characterization of the global “green transition” as a cover for geopolitical control over natural resources, should take a look at a recent paper by former UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, entitled The Great Convergence. Lord Hague, who is now a senior advisor to Citigroup, chairs the Royal United Services Institute, a key think-tank shaping […]

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The Financial Power Behind the Environmental Movement: the Case of Germany

A lengthy, detailed expose of the powerful lobby groups that work closely with the German government on legislation targeting industry, energy, and agriculture was run in the April 25 issue of Welt am Sonntag, under the title “Goliaths for the Climate”. Far from the grassroots groups of concerned citizens of the past, these are institutions that receive huge funding from […]

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Germany: A Green Candidate Groomed in Davos Who Wants War

The anti-Russia, anti-China foreign policy promoted by the Chancellor candidate of the Green party, Annalena Baerbock, was exposed in our last issue. Other observers have also noted the confrontational nature of her policy platform. In an assessment for the Cicero monthly, retired General Erich Vad, a former government adviser, noted that the German Green Party’s call for a “qualified majority” […]

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Mark Carney Urges Africa to Sacrifice Development to Support Climate Bubble

Africa, as everyone knows, suffers from a tremendous, and growing, lack of food, healthcare and infrastructure, and it accounts for only 4% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide. And yet, the Western financial elite and climate lobbies demand the continent give up the scarce fossil fuel energy production it does have, and forgo technology and modern farming in […]

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