Global Health Summit Issues a “Rome Declaration” Cloaked in Green

The Global Health Summit on May 21-24 in Rome was more of a propaganda stunt for the EU and global multinational institutions than anything else. It was co-sponsored by the Italian Presidency of the Group of 20, and the EU Commission, with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presiding. At the end, the so-called […]

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Israel, Hamas, Iran: What Is U.S. Policy for South-West Asia?

One day before U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken began a tour of the Middle East on May 25, a spokesman for the State Department announced that he would be “focused primarily on ensuring that the cease-fire sticks”. Blinken himself had told CNN on May 23 that the goal of the U.S., with “President Biden leading the effort”, was “to […]

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The Name of the Game Is Geopolitics and Status Quo

Major media, including the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Guardian for example –which align with the war hawks in both parties – imply that Joe Biden’s his seeming disinterest in the Middle East stems from being “wrapped up in domestic issues”, and by the continued “pivot to Asia”. But this is a diversion, away from the “bigger […]

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Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050: The Unworkable Goal of the Davos Elite

The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) has just issued a report outlining how the world can meet the goal of reducing carbon emissions worldwide to a net zero by 2050, which is the goal expected to be set at the COP26 conference next November. The IEA describes itself as an “autonomous intergovernmental agency operating within the OECD framework,” but its […]

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BüSo Economic Seminar Exposes the Insanity of the Green Deal

The alternative to the Green Reset policy pushed by the World Economic Forum (Davos) was discussed on May 19 at an on line seminar of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo). This webinar was the first in a series of important policy forums, leading up to the German national elections to be held in September, aimed at defining a new, […]

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Ghana President Akufo-Addo Calls for Comprehensive Debt Relief for Africa

A Summit on Financing African Economies was hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on May 18. This is undoubtedly a crucial topic, in particular after over one year of the devastating effects that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on developing countries – both directly and even more so indirectly through the economic repercussions from a lockeddown developed sector. […]

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A Beautiful Tribute to Beethoven and A Rebuke of “Cancel Culture”

In celebration of his own 88th birthday, and of Beethoven’s 250th birthday, the leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, released on May 11 the video recording of his performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major, which he had done in 2002, but which, for various reasons, could not be released earlier. ( watch?v=l-iE9uNKwU0). While there […]

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Are We Really Prepared to Risk Nuclear War over Ukraine or Taiwan?

On numerous occasions in recent weeks, Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp LaRouche has lamented the silence from official circles regarding the danger of present flash points blowing up into full scale war. In a dialogue on May 13, she described the situation as “so explosive” that if “we don’t change course,” we could end up “sleepwalking” into war, as in […]

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