Nigeria Bans Twitter, As Social Media Escalate Censorship

Twitter, as we know, decided to ban former President Donald Trump from using its social platform for time memorial, but Facebook, which suspended Trump’s accounts on Jan 7, 2021, has now decided that a permanent ban is too harsh a penalty, and has agreed to reduce his sentence to just two years. After that time, if Facebook determines that the […]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Moscow Conference on Economics

The annual Moscow Academic Economic Forum was held on May 26-27, 2021 under the title “Global transformation of modern societies and the national development goals of Russia,” with the participation of top representatives of the country’s economic and financial institutions. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, was invited to speak online at a panel at the Financial University of […]

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News from the Financial Casino

Former Chief Economist of ECB Warns of Financial Crash. EU countries have basically already lost their fiscal sovereignty, and are in the midst of a profound systemic change in financial policy, according to former ECB chief economist Jürgen Stark. “In my view, the erosion of national sovereignty in terms of fiscal policy has already occurred,” he assessed, according to Tichy’s […]

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Switzerland Cancels Negotiations with the EU on Partnership Treaty

On May 26, Switzerland abruptly withdrew from negotiations to expand relations with the European Union over fears of the erosion of national sovereignty. The decision was taken shortly before a June 13 national referendum on the proposed reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which would increase energy and other prices. The withdrawal is seen as yet another failure for the hapless […]

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German Greens Expose Themselves As Puppets on NATO Strings

Robert Habeck, the Co-Chairman of the German Green Party, proved once again, during his visit to Kiev on May 25, that the once anti-war, flower-power movement has moved resolutely into the camp of the war party. During his meeting with President Volodymr Zelensky, Habeck assured Ukrainian leaders that their request for NATO « defensive » weapons was justified to defend […]

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Italian Climate Scientists Question the Forthcoming IPCC Report

At the first “Climate Dialogues” webinar on May 26, organized by the Padua Association of Engineers and by Galileo magazine, Italian climate scientists exposed the biased climate models used by the IPCC to justify a so-called “climate emergency”, finding the Russian and Chinese climate models more balanced. They also warned that the new IPCC report, expected to be released soon, […]

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Belarus: Brussels Promises Money for Regime Change in Blatant Show of Hypocrisy

Since Belarus President Lukashenko forced a Ryan Air jet to land in the Minsk airport on May 24 and proceeded to have “journalist” Roman Protasevich arrested, trans-Atlantic policitians and media have been falling over one another to denounce the “outrageous”, “inadmissible” violation of international law and human rights by a bloody-thirsty dictator, who must have been acting on the orders […]

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NSA Spying on European Leaders, Yet More

On May 30, the Danish public radio station DR revealed that the Danish military intelligence (FE) service had collaborated between 2012 and 2014 with the U.S. National Security Agency to spy on European political leaders in Germany, France, Sweden and Norway, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The FE was giving the NSA access to […]

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James Bond Never Found, and Never Could Have, the Origin of a Virus!

On May 26, Joe Biden announced that he has directed the US intelligence community to investigate the origins of the Covid19 pandemic and report back to him in 90 days. The announcement came after the emergence of presumably “new” elements pointing to a possible leak of the virus from the Wuhan laboratory, and is clearly aimed at increasing political pressure […]

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