Kiev: The Neo-Nazi Influence Stands Exposed!

President Putin has repeatedly stressed that the “de-nazification” of Ukraine is a primary goal of the Russia’s “special operation”. But the importance of that statement has been consistently played down (or even denied) by Western propaganda. Nonetheless, there have been a few exceptions to that unspoken rule. For example: * The Gray Zone and Consortium News ran an article on […]

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Is Germany Protecting Fascist Thugs?

Given the tremendous influence of neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine, Germany’s support for Kiev is all the more shocking, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out in a March 2 interview with Al Jazeera. “My colleague Annalena Baerbock says that in view of its historical responsibility, Germany feels obliged to supply Ukraine with weapons, How is this to be understood? […]

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China Aims for Steady Growth, Despite the Volatile International Climate

China’s two legislative sessions opened on March 5 on the backdrop of a very chaotic and uncertain international environment. Nonetheless, Premier Li Keqiang expressed confidence in opening the discussions, that China would remain on a course of stable development. The Government Work Report he presented sets the growth target for the coming year at 5.5 %, a modest figure compared […]

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India Refuses to Join Washington’s Unipolar World

On March 3, the heads of state and government of the “Quad” grouping — Australia, India, Japan, United States – held an emergency video meeting. While Washington expected a united front to be formed and a statement to be issued condemning Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi refused to go along. He called instead for […]

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Pakistan’s Prime Minister Lashes out at EU Diplomats

Although we are bombarded here in Europe with reports that Russia has been completely isolated on a global scale, for violating the sovereignty of and “invading” another nation, that argument does not sound quite as credible to nations that have been subject to, of witnesses of, repeated such actions by NATO countries, and the United States in particular. Take the […]

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The “Mother Of All Bailouts “ Behind the Threat of World War Three

Western elites are ruthlessly using the Russia-Ukraine crisis to implement what they call the “mother” of all bailouts of the financial system. Since the collapse of that system has been proceeded apace over the past months (cf. SAS 2-6/22), central banks, despite hyperinflation on the march, were only looking for a pretext to justify a new, massive bailout. As if […]

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The EU’s Schachtian Economics Set to Backfire

By freezing assets associated with Russia’s central bank under their jurisdiction, EU countries, along with the UK, the U.S. and Canada, left Moscow in charge of only about one third of its $630 billion worth of reserves, through domestic gold and Chinese yuan. While this gives Russia a certain maneuvering room, such sanctions undeniably amount to an act of war. […]

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Germany Assumes Leading Role in Western Escalation against Russia

While there can be no doubt that the main decision-makers behind the the package of economic and military measures taken last weekend against Russia were Anglo-American geopolitical circles, they also involved a shocking turnaround in Berlin and the announcement of a huge rearmament program. Helga Zepp-LaRouche called this policy shift “an earthquake” and an “absolute catastrophe”, because Chancellor Scholz turned […]

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