“Whom the Gods Would Destroy”: Report on the Schiller Institute Conference

Political activists, together with scientists, economists, farmers, public health professionals, and retired military and intelligence officers came together in the June 26-27 International Schiller Institute Conference to analyze the existential crisis facing mankind today, and deliberate on the means required to mobilize the world behind a new paradigm, free of geopolitics and Malthusianism, and based on “peace through de velopment.” […]

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Putin-Biden Summit Marks a Step Forward

In the days leading to the June 16 summit between Presidents Biden and Putin, one did not have to be a pessimist to believe that a train wreck was coming. The language directed against Russia from the U.S. side, especially from the Secretary of State Blinken and the President himself, continued the vilification of Vladimir Putin and the characterization of […]

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The War Party Pushes Back against Progress Made in Geneva

Russophobes in the West must have been shocked and dismayed to hear that the “Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability” issued by Presidents Biden and Putin after their summit, declares: “Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” That is a clear and rational rejection of the many strategic papers circulating […]

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China and Russia Wary of Geopolitical Traps

From Beijing, the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian welcomed the decision by Presidents Biden and Putin to hold a dialogue aimed at reducing the danger of conflict and nuclear war. China, he said, is ready to join all efforts ultimately leading to “comprehensive and complete nuclear disar mament”. Prior to the June 16 summit, Chinese officials and media […]

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CO2 Law in Switzerland Rejected by Young Voters

The big surprise of the vote in Switzerland against the new CO2 law is that a majority of young people voted against it (cf. SAS 24/21). According to a survey commissioned by Tamedia and 20min.ch, and published on the latter’s website, 54% of those over 65 voted in favor of the law imposing new taxes and fees on greenhouse gas […]

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Regional Elections: French Citizens Opt for a Walkout!

More than 65% of French voters abstained in the country’s June 20 local and regional elections, a historic record! The mirror image conveyed by the results confirmed that, after months of stress in dealing with the pandemic, the French nation is in disarray. But the handling of COVID-19 is only the last straw of the long-term decline that has led […]

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Milan Blackouts: EU’s Green Utopia Crashes into Reality

For five days in a row, from June 15 to 19, the city of Milan suffered prolonged blackouts, reaching up to ten hours in several districts, and hitting offices, shops and households, with ice cream melting and thousands of cell phones left uncharged. Whereas the provider, Unareti, attributed the cause of the blackouts to the increased demand of air conditioning […]

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The EU’s Energy Policy That Kills: The Case of Romania

The European Union’s Green Deal and its predecessors have had devastating effects on Eastern European countries in particular, in respect both to the phase out of coal mining and to the requirement for all power plants to purchase “carbon certificates” to compensate for the amount of CO2 their production emits. In fact, under the so-called Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which […]

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With a New Iranian President, What May or May Not Change?

Ebrahim Raisi, the hardline chief of Iran’s judiciary and close collaborator of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, was declared the winner of Iran’s presidential election on June 19. He was congratulated by the other three candidates – Mohsen Rezaei, Abdolnaser Hemmati and Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh – even before the official result was announced. According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, the turnout […]

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