European Space Agency Suspends ExoMars Space Mission

As feared, the Council of the European Space Agency has formally suspended cooperation with Russia on the ExoMars mission, citing “the present impossibility of carrying out the ongoing cooperation with Roscosmos”. That makes it impossible to proceed with the launch from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan scheduled for late September. The central component of ExoMars is the European rover, Rosalind-Franklin, […]

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A View from Switzerland: Who Are the War Planners behind Biden?

Sitting inside the National Security Council of the United States is an inter-agency task force called the “Tiger Team”, which has been planning the current conflict in Ukraine since at least last November. This was revealed by Swiss security expert Jacques Baud, a retired Colonel in the Army, in an interview on the Swiss website Zeitgeschehen im Fokus.  Baud gives […]

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The Ominous Tiger Team in the White House

The Tiger team, mentioned by Jacques Baud in the previous item, was created in November 2021 on the initiative of U.S. National Security Advsior Jake Sullivan. Its alleged purpose, according to an article on National Public Radio, was to  “focus on studying actions that can prevent an attack from Russia, as well as building a chain of responses that will […]

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World Food Crisis: the “Forgotten Children” of Yemen

The world food supply, which was already at critical levels last year due to various “green deal” programs, is taking a huge blow from the war in Ukraine. The price of grains has exploded over the past weeks, as both Russia and Ukraine have partially suspended exports of wheat and fertilizers (cf. SAS 10, 11/22). UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres […]

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Economic Warfare: A “Trusted” Tool of the British Empire

The economic warfare against Russia unleashed in the past weeks has been on the agenda since well before the current “Ukraine” crisis, as was confirmed by “unnamed” White House officials on Jan. 25 (cf.SAS 5/22). Their statement confirmed President Putin’s firm belief that Russia would be subjected to harsh sanctions no matter what course he took in dealing with Ukraine. […]

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How NATO Is Crashing the World Economy and Banking System

In an article appearing in this week’s issue of Executive Intelligence Review, EIR economic editor Paul Gallagher describes the disruption to the world economy produced by western sanctions against Russia. “Led by London, Wall Street and Washington, NATO is bringing the world economy down willfully and deliberately, although with ‘unintentional’ and disastrous consequences”, Gallagher wrote. The de facto banning of […]

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Jacques Cheminade: “Why Ukraine Should Not Join the European Union”

Jacques Cheminade, president of Solidarité et Progrès and a former French presidential candidate, issued a statement on March 9, 2022, explaining why the European Union should not accept the membership of Ukraine. One compelling, but little known reason is that it would basically allow NATO forces to be stationed on its territory. Here are long excerpts from his statement. (The […]

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European Populations Told to Prepare for Draconian Austerity

Geopolitical pressure is increasing on Europe to cut all oil and gas imports from Russia, and thus usher in a nightmare of energy blackouts, industry collapses and price inflation, including food rationing. The German debate on the issue is telling. The leading German “climate protector” Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research told the Rheinische Post on […]

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Brussels Refuses to End Insane Green Food Policy

Before Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began in February, famine was already spreading in many parts of the world, although there a near black-out in most media of the mass suffering in food-short Afghanistan, Yemen, Congo, Haiti, and other places of acute need. According to the World Food Program, the number of people at the brink of famine has risen […]

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