Eradicating Opium Production in Afghanistan

A guest column in France’s Le Figaro Aug. 27, headlined, “How the West Let Afghanistan Again Become the Land of Drugs,” presents a devastating rundown of how the opium poppy production was drastically reduced in Afghanistan over the years 1999-2001, under the Taliban rule, but was later increased again, during the occupation by U.S., British and NATO forces. The author […]

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China Forges Ahead with High-Temperature Nuclear Reactors

On Aug. 21, the first batch of nuclear fuel was successfully loaded into unit 1 of the demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor plant (HTR-PM) at Shidaowan, in China’s Shandong province (cf. SAS 44/20). The loading should be completed in 30 days, at which point the first reactor will reach criticality. It should be connected to the grid before the end of […]

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A Promising Premiere for the Experimental Thorium Reactor

Scientists in China are about to turn on for the first time ever an experimental thorium-based molten salt reactor, with the first tests scheduled to begin as early as September. The new reactor, built at Wuwei on the edge of the Gobi Desert in northern China, is a small prototype designed to have an output of just 2 MW. According […]

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Zepp-LaRouche: Western Strategy Called into Question More than Ever

Opening the Schiller Institute round table on Afghanistan on Aug. 21, Helga Zepp-LaRouche insisted that the key to stabilizing the situation there is rapid economic development and thus the perspective of building a promising future free of war. “Afghanistan is among the ten poorest countries in the world already, it’s been hit by a terrible drought. One in three people […]

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Schiller Institute Assessments in International Media

China’s international media organization CGTN produced a six minute video of excerpts from the keynote speech given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the July 31 Schiller Institute Conference on Afghanistan as a turning point in history. The CGTN video is titled: “Afghanistan: The Bright Future for the Coming Cooperation of the Great Powers.” It can be found on their Opinion pages […]

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Supply Chain Legislation: Germany Sets Dangerous Precedent for the EU

On June 21, 2021, the German Bundestag passed the government’s proposal for introducing into the country’s industrial supply chains strict ecological and social standards. The new law obliges all German companies and businesses to ensure that such standards (for instance concerning female and child labor) are respected in all the firms from which they import, or face fines and bans. […]

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Toyota Throws Cold Water on E-Mobility Utopia

Toyota, the world’s number-one maker of motor vehicles and the first to produce batteries to provide vehicle mobility when it introduced the Prius hybrid 20 years ago, continues to oppose attempts to mandate fully-electric vehicles by 2030, 2035 or any other date. Company executives, from CEO Akio Toyoda on down, describe such mandates as impossible both with regard to the […]

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Climate Change: IPCC Systemic Bias Exposed in New Study

The evidence presented in a new peer-reviewed study shows unequivocally that the “code red” for humanity pronounced by UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres after reading the latest report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is ludicrous grandstanding and panic mongering. The new paper, published in the journal Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA), finds evidence of systemic bias […]

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