HSBC Executive Blasts Climate-Change Hysteria

The global head of responsible investing at HSBC Asset Management, Stuart Kirk, has been fired from his position at the giant London-based global banking group. Why? He delivered a speech to a Financial Times Moral Money conference on May 19 in London, with the topic “Why investors need not worry about climate risk”. Columnist Terence Corcoran of the Canadian Financial […]

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Eurasian Powers Look to Organize New Economic System

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) held its Economic Forum on May 26 in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek under the banner of “Eurasian Economic Integration in the era of Global Changes”. It was followed the next day by a meeting of the heads of state and government of the five member union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia plus Uzbekistan with […]

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Is Africa Now Supposed to Feed and Fuel Europe?

The African Union held an Extraordinary Humanitarian Summit May 25-28 in Equatorial Guinea to address the life-threatening crises in many parts of the continent. AU Chairman Macky Sall, who is also President of Senegal, pointed out that there are 113 million Africans in extreme need of assistance this year, including 48 million people displaced. AU Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat […]

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Video-Conference of the Schiller Institute, on May 26 at 17.00

The Schiller Institute is hosting an emergency webinar on May 26 at 17.00 CET on the theme: “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War”. The featured speakers, in addition to the Institute’s chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, are: *Colonel (ret) Richard H. Black, former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon […]

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When Leaders Trust Narratives More Than Reality

We are bombarded every day with terrible news: the Western dollar-based financial system is unraveling in a hyperinflationary collapse; the “likelihood” of war between nuclear powers is casually discussed in all the media; the pandemic continues to take lives, while new epidemics emerge; famine is killing thousands and threatening billions. Leaders in the transatlantic world conveniently try and claim that […]

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A British Imperialist Recipe to “Boil the Russian Frog”

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a stalwart of British imperialism, proposes that a nuclear showdown between the United States and Russia — a “Cuban Missile Crisis on steroids” over Crimea — could make it “easier” to settle the Russia-Ukraine war. The proposal is laid out in an article by Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Director General of the institute, in an […]

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President Biden’s Flight Forward in Asia-Pacific Region

Joe Biden’s visit to South Korea and Japan began and ended by stoking the fires of military conflict and geopolitical divisions in the region. The U.S. President first met with South Korea’s new president, Yoon Suk Yeol, who had made it a point during his election campaign to build a closer relationship with the United States. At that meeting, the […]

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Some Opposition Emerges in U.S. Congress to Washington’s Chicken Game

The week before the U.S. Senate voted on the Biden administration’s proposal to spend an additional $40 billion on weapons and support for Ukraine, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell made a surprise visit to Kiev, arriving there on May14. After returning from his trip, which included a high profile photo op with President Volodymyr Zelensky, McConnell derided the idea that […]

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The Strong And Weak Points of the Italian Peace Proposal

A major shift in public opinion in European nations, spearheaded by a growing awareness of the danger of a new world war and by the Pope’s strong criticism of NATO, has prompted the Italian government, backed by France and Germany, to offer a peace initiative. On May 18, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio presented a four-point program to UN […]

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EU in a Shambles as Economic Tsunami Approaches

Among the narratives most used by western war propaganda, in addition to “Kiev is winning the war”, is praise for “Europe’s extraordinary cohesion”. Reality demolishes both of them. The truth is that the EU has never been so disunited. Conflicts among member states on sanctions, EU enlargement and NATO have escalated, while the underlying economic, social and political situation is […]

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