Former Greek PM Questions U.S. Motives in Not Ending Ukraine War

In a public address in Athens, on June 1, former Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis sharply criticized U.S. policy in Ukraine and failure to seek a negotiated settlement, as well as the current Greek government’s slavish support for that policy. The former PM also took issue with that government’s neo-liberal economic policies in general, and its dangerous approach to the […]

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Mario Draghi: from the Queen’s Yacht to Kingpin of the EU

Thirty years ago, on June 2, 1992, a rather young director general of the Italian Treasury Ministry named Mario Draghi started his career in the service of the British Empire by boarding Queen Elizabeth’s royal yacht Britannia, anchored off the Italian port of Civitavecchia (Rome), to give the main speech before a selected group of City of London bankers and […]

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Have We Gone Mad? The Urgent Task of Winning the Peace, Not the War

The Schiller Institute online conference May 26 featured presentations and exchanges between Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and four military and strategy specialists from France, Italy and the United States, all committed to preventing an escalation of the conflict between Russia and NATO, which is now playing out in Ukraine: * Gen. (ret) Leonardo Tricarico, former chief of staff of […]

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NATO Is Violating All Its Own Rules

All rules have been broken in the Ukrainian conflict, former Italian Air Force Chief Gen. Leonardo Tricarico said at the Schiller Institute webinar May 26, not only by the Russian side but also by NATO. The general’s allegiance to the Atlantic Alliance cannot be questioned: he was the deputy commander in the 1999 Operation Allied Force that bombed Serbia, which […]

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Col. Richard Black on an Austrian-Style Neutrality for Ukraine

A number of interesting points concerning military strategy were raised by Col. Black during the discussion period of the May 26 SI webinar, based on his personal experience from serving for over 30 years in uniform. One question concerned the reports of how the Russians are carrying out “urban combat” in Ukraine and systematically destroying civilian infrastructure, and implicitly opposing […]

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Western-Run “Disinformation Center” Worried about Schiller Institute Influence

Four times in less than one week, Schiller Institute activities have been attacked as “promoters of Russian narratives” by Kiev’s Center for Countering Disinformation, which is run out of President Zelenskyy’s National Security and Defense Council but is closely linked to NATO. After launching a broadside against Col. Richard Black for an interview he gave to EIR’s Mike Billington (which […]

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Schiller Institutes of Denmark and Sweden Say No to NATO Expansion

The Schiller Institutes in Denmark and Sweden held an online seminar on May 25, calling on the Danes to say NO to joining the EU Common Security and Defense Policy in the referendum to take place on June 1, and presenting the case for Sweden and Finland not to join NATO. Those arguments were presented respectively by Michelle Rasmussen, Vice […]

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The War On Inflation That Never Started Is Already Over

Eurozone data for May show that inflation keeps growing: it is now at 8.9% on an annual basis in Germany, the largest EU economy. As our readers know, the current runaway inflation began long before the war in Ukraine, due to central banks’ monetary policies. Thus, one would expect alarm bells to be going off at central bank headquarters, with […]

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