Appeal for France to Exit from the Integrated Command of NATO

Just a few days before NATO was to convene in great pomp in Madrid, Jacques Cheminade put out a statement once again calling on France to leave its integrated command. Jens Stoltenberg had just reiterated clearly, during a visit to Paris, that the leaders planned to come up with a new strategic concept against Russia and China, which would imply […]

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Europe’s Summer of Discontent Is Here

Faced with economic hardship and runaway inflation, the European population is taking to the streets to protest. On June 20, some 80,000 unionists representing Belgium’s largest trade unions marched through Brussels to protest againsts the rising cost of living and demand better wages. In the city where NATO is headquartered, some participants also chanted “Spend money on salaries, not on […]

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Berlin Prepares A Green Dictatorship

If there were such a thing as a “lemming award for economics”, it would definitely go to Germany, which with its obsession to walk out of coal and nuclear (decided long before the Ukraine War) and more recently out of Russian gas and crude oil, is headed for an energy supply abbys. On June 22, German Economics Minister Robert Habeck […]

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Speaking of “Debt Traps”, Europe Takes the Cake

The G7 Summit just passed a policy of countering what they claim is a “Chinese debt trap” caused by the Belt-and-Road strategy. But whereas China is focusing on productive debt, in the form of investments in projects in real infrastructure and industry, the EU intends to produce yet more unproductive debt — wildly increasing expenditures for weapons and military expansion, […]

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International Appeal for a New World Economic Order

A “Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System” has just been issued by the Schiller Institute, coming out of the online conference held on June 18-19 (cf. SAS 25/22). The text outlines the physical economic principles on which to found a workable world order to replace the current neoliberal system of globalization, which is leading the […]

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The European Union Sticks to Its Suicidal Course

After the thunder, the rain: the European Union has advocated an energy embargo for the past three months. Now it has come – albeit not against Russia but against the EU. Gazprom has reduced gas flows through Nord Stream 1 to Germany by 60%, and flows to Italy by 50%. If you doubted the accuracy of Russian President Putin’s characterization […]

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The European Union Has No “Peace Plan” for Ukraine

In their joint mission to Kiev on June 16, did the leaders of France, Germany and Italy really do what the Die Welt wrote the next day: “Scholz, Macron and Draghi, who went to Kiev, non-publicly persuaded Zelensky to negotiate with Russia”? On the public side of the talks, as the German daily notes, the three advocated providing Ukraine the […]

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London Floats Global Britain’s Imperial Plan for Eastern Europe

It has apparently dawned on Emmanuel Macron, Mario Draghi and Olof Scholz that if the war is protracted as Washington and London want, they will be faced with a political and economic catastrophe. However, if they did attempt to persuade Kiev to negotiate a settlement, there is no sign that the Zelensky government is ready to face reality. Not accidentally, […]

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Assange Extradition Order: A Day of Infamy for the United Kingdom

On June 17, British Home Secretary Priti Patel signed the order for the extradition of Julian Assange, co-founder and publisher of Wikileaks, to the United States, where he faces 175 years in prison for disclosing information on war crimes committed by the U.S. and the United Kingdom. The signing follows the ignominious ruling by a UK court in April that […]

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