Farmers Protest in EU Is Becoming A Mass Strike

As the boomerang effect of the sanctions on Russia starts to be felt in Europe, adding to the hyperinflation of commodity prices in household bills, the mood of the European population is rapidly shifting from a gung-ho endorsement of the anti-Russia policy to a real revolt against the established elites. This is most visible in the mass strike which has […]

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Macron Secretly Connived with Uber to Break the French Labor Code

On July 10, Le Monde and 40 other main papers which are part of the International Consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ), published “The Uber Files”, with revelations from 124,000 private e-mails and documents leaked by former lobbyist and Uber official Mark MacGann, to the British daily The Guardian. They document how public officials were corrupted by Uber managers to change […]

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Burning Wood For Freedom…

Does the name Eric Heymann sound familiar? This newsletter covered a 2020 paper he wrote, asserting that the European transition policy to a “zero carbon” economy would not be possible without “some sort of eco-dictatorship” (cf. SAS 3/21). The Deutsche Bank (DB) senior economist has now launched another provocation, discussing scenarios for dealing with the possibility that Nord Stream 1 […]

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Reconstruction of the Donbass — a Pilot Project for Russia

As Russian officials, including economist Sergey Glazyev, have pointed out in recent weeks, the western sanctions against Russia have produced limited immediate damage on the national economy, but they have also had an unintended boomerang effect. They have forced an acceleration of the transition from an economy based on raw materials for export revenues, to one giving priority to industrialization […]

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Xi Jinping: Xinjiang Will Become a Major Hub of Belt and Road

Xinjiang is in the heart of Eurasia, the furthest point of the earth from the sea, and the pivot of Eurasian integration. It is the crossroads of the most important Silk Road routes and is also rich in natural resources. That explains why those who want to sabotage Eurasian integration are attempting to destabilize Xinjiang with specious accusations of genocide […]

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Space Exploration as an Antidote to Anti-Human “Green” Ideology

Schiller Institute president Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a widely acclaimed lecture at the 7-9 July Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival in Berlin. The organizer of the event was Space Renaissance International, an organization to promote the expansion of civilization into space, the building of a space age philosophy and culture, and a space humanist network. Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of the […]

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Josep Borrell Admits: The West Is Losing the Global Battle of Narrative

The hopes of the United States and Europe to align developing countries behind their anti-Russia and anti-China policy were brutally dashed at the meeting of G20 foreign ministers in Bali, Indonesia July 7-8. The growing divide was openly admitted — apparently to his surprise — by Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief in a statement posted on the […]

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Vladimir Putin’s View of the End of the Unipolar World

Whatever Western leaders may think of Vladimir Putin and his policies, they would do well to listen to his view of how the world is evolving and why. He expressed just that clearly in remarks to the Duma on July 7 (English translation available here). His criticism of the West’s policy is shared by a large majority of the world, […]

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Assassination of Shinzo Abe: The War Party’s Show of Force?

Astute observers see in the assassination on July 8 of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a dangerous show of force by the war party. The message is clear: any leader or nation that breaks ranks on the anti-Russia and anti-China policy will suffer the consequences. Shinzo Abe was the most powerful political leader in Japan, and among the strongest […]

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European Union: Energy Crisis Forces Reality Check

The perfect storm of hyperinflation, energy shortages, a resurgence of COVID and industrial layoffs is now starting to hit the EU. It could have been fully avoided, had governments: 1. prevented the ECB from bailing out the bankrupt financial system with hyperinflationary monetary expansion; 2. avoided the flight forward out of fossil fuels; 3. carried out at the very least a feasibility study […]

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