Plans in Berlin to Criminalize Social Protests as “Enemies of Democracy”

German Economics Minister Robert Habeck claims he shares the population’s worries about price inflation and severe cuts in living standards, but his policy is one of deindustrialization and drastic austerity. Rather than acting against speculators on energy markets, he intends to bail out the traders in danger of default by imposing a special new tax on private consumers and industries […]

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The Next European Government to Fall Could Be in Athens

The Greek government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis could become the fourth NATO government to collapse since the June 29 NATO summit in Madrid – following the demise of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the resignation of Mario Draghi in Rome and the ouster of Kiril Petkov’s ruling coalition in Bulgaria. The Mitsotakis government has acted as the most pro-American and […]

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International Responses to Ukraine’s Notorious Hit List

Following the publication of the notorous “Foreigners in the Service of the Kremlin” list by the Center for Countering Disinformation, the Schiller Institute circulated a statement denouncing what is seen as implicit death threats, which has been signed by 35 persons (cf. SAS 31/22 and In addition, many of the 72 persons named have issued their own statements, including […]

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Kiev Defends Its Blacklisting Policy with Call for Purges

The Ukrainian government has followed up the publication of the infamous list of “Foreigners in the service of the Kremlin” (cf. SAS 31/22) with more articles and even calls on Western governments to “purge” persons named. As we reported last week, the first 30 names on the list of over 70 figures targeted by Kiev’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) […]

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The Hindu Features Lyndon LaRouche’s Decades-Long Fight for Economic Justice

Under the striking headline, “Schiller Institute Calls for New Bretton Woods To End War, Economic Crisis,” one of India’s leading dailies, The Hindu, took up the role played by U.S. economist Lyndon LaRouche in formulating the policies for a New International Economic Order and the Non-Aligned Movement, and for today’s fight for securing peace and development worldwide. The article is […]

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“Lift Sanctions Against Russia Immediately!”

In a statement issued on July 19 with the title above, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, notes that “only a fool” could overlook the fact that “the sanctions against Russia only harm Russia marginally, but they threaten to permanently destroy entire key areas of industry and agriculture in Germany and all of Europe!”, and to condemn hundreds of […]

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Taiwan: Pelosi and the War Party “Play with Fire”

The visit to Taiwan by U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and five U.S. Congressmen on Aug. 2 has unquestionably brought the world a big step closer to a new world war. The decision to meet with Taiwanese officials was taken in clear violation of Washington’s official commitment to the “one China policy” and despite stern warnings from Beijing […]

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Twenty-Five Prominent Individuals Denounce Being Targeted As “Putin Agents”

On July 14, Kiev’s “Center for Countering Disinformation”, a Ukrainian government agency, published a list of 79 prominent international figures, whom they accuse of being propagandists for Russia (see the following item for background information on the Center, which is directly funded by U.S. and U.K. government agencies). The first 30 individuals named are experts from around the world who […]

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Kiev Hit List Targets Schiller Institute and Associates as “Information Terrorists”

As reported above, a blacklist published by the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), based in Kiev, accuses 79 international “speakers” of being purveyors of “Russian propaganda”, of which the first 30 are experts who have participated in Schiller Institute international conferences this year. That fact alone demonstrates the key role of the SI in organizing a diplomatic solution to the […]

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EU’s Emergency Gas Plan Is Pre-Programmed Disaster

On July 20, the EU Commission presented its strategy to reduce energy consumption in Europe, which was given the catchy name “Save Gas for a Safe Winter” strategy. But not catchy enough to gain the support of EU member countries. A few hours after it was presented, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy rejected it. Eventually, EU Energy Ministers reached a […]

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