Ukraine’s CCD Targets Schiller Institute, as Germany, Too, Moves to Silence Free Speech

The Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) in Kiev posted Oct. 3 an an expanded version of its notorious hitlist of “Speakers Who Promote Narratives Consonant with Russian Propaganda”. The original list identified over 70 international figures who deviated from the official NATO line, declaring them “information terrorists” liable to be tried as “war criminals”. Number one on the CCD’s new […]

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Pointed Warnings from Vladimir Putin

Whatever one might think of Vladimir Putin and his policies, we recommend that all concerned citizens read the speech he gave on Sept. 30, upon the accession of the four Ukrainian regions to the Russia, to better understand how the Russians view the current crisis, why the world has now so moved so close to a world war, and what […]

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EU Capitulates in Energy Battle

EU Energy Commissioner: Next Winter Will Be Even Worse Than This One. Energy ministers of the European Union met on Sept. 30 to address skyrocketing energy prices in Europe and come up with a package of emergency measures. Coming out of the meeting, EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson (Estonia) told the press: “Ministers were concerned, as am I, that this will […]

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Opposition Parties Banned in Ukraine: Natalia Vitrenko Speaks Out

On Sept. 27, the Administrative Appeals Court of Ukraine’s Supreme Court upheld the banning of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU), as we reported last week. The chairwoman of the party, Natalia Vitrenko, issued a response in a Sept. 30 message to her fellow party members and friends all over the world. She called the decision “not only … […]

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Greek Delegation Visits Russia, Breaking the Isolation

A first delegation of Greek political and civil society activists completed a visit to Russia on Sept. 23-28 on the invitation of the St. Petersburg municipality. The delegation of three comprised Ambassador (Ad Honorem) Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos; Panagiotis P. Lafazanis, former minister and head of the Democratic Movement for National Liberation (DIKEA); and K. Karaiskou, head of the “Spartakos” faction and […]

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The Doomsday Clock Is Just Minutes Away from Midnight

The world has never been closer to a nuclear war, in a global situation more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis. Western leaders assure us it’s all Russia’s fault, but cover up the fact that the conflict in Ukraine has become a direct war of NATO against Russia since at least mid-September (cf. SAS 38/22). That escalation includes, as we […]

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Swiss Weekly Asks: “Are We Governed by Lunatics?”

A sober assessment of the current danger was given in the Swiss weekly Weltwoche, in a Sept. 23 editorial by Roger Köppel. After reviewing the evolution of the confrontation with Russia, up to the acute danger we face today, Köppel notes that “The more the Americans and the Europeans get caught up in their feverish spiral of aggression, the longer, […]

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Italian General Elections: What Will Change

The good news about the general elections held on Sept. 25 in Italy is that voters have unequivocally punished Mario Draghi and his legacy; the bad news is that “Draghism”, while kicked out from the main door, might come back through the window. The elections were won by the center-right alliance, with 43.79% in the Chamber of Deputies and 44.2% […]

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