Conference Report Panel 4: Development Is the Name of Peace

The final panel of the Schiller Institute conference addressed on the urgent necessity of development for all nations on Earth. Dennis Speed, a leader of the LaRouche movement for many years, presented the work of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites founded by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and former Surgeon General of the United States Joycelyn Elders, stressing […]

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Don’t Miss the Schiller Institute Conference, April 9, 2022

A unique combination of international experts from different fields will come together to discuss the urgent need for a new security and development architecture on April 9, 2022, starting 3 pm CET, for a Schiller Institute online conference. The preliminary program of this extraordinary event is provided below, as a supplement to this issue of your Strategic Alert Newsletter. (See […]

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EU-China Summit, A Dialogue of the Deaf

Italian economist and China expert Michele Geraci summarized the outcome of the 23rd EU-China summit, that took place by videoconference on April 1, with the following comment: “While [Chinese President] Xi’s message was one of detente, [EU Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen and [EU Council President Charles] Michel let loose with the usual, now inopportune repertoire: human rights, Xinjiang, […]

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British Intelligence Running Information War for Kiev?

The media have been full of atrocious images, allegedly from the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, showing dozens of dead bodies on the ground, which the Ukrainian secret services claim were shot and killed by Russian troops some time before March 30. A few days earlier, videos had circulated showing Russian prisoners near Kharkiv being shot and maimed live, by soldiers […]

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Hungarian and Serbian Leaders Score Easy Electoral Wins

“We won a victory so big that it can be seen from the moon and certainly from Brussels,”, Hungary’s Prime Minster Viktor Orban told his supporters after his ruling Fidesz party came out of the April 3 parliamentary elections with a comfortable lead of 53%. In neighboring Serbia, President Aleksander Vucic was re-elected on the same day with a landslide […]

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Three Former Greek Ambassadors Issue Peace Proposal for Ukraine

Three senior former Ambassadors from the Hellenic Repubic issued a peace proposal on March 31, addressing the current Ukrainian crisis in an effort to avert the “threat of hunger and nuclear annihilation”. Their statement notes that “What has been happening the last month in Ukraine is inconceivable for us and for reasonable people. We thought that the old ‘Westphalian’ world […]

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