EIR Presents the Alternative to Schachtian Economics in Zurich

On May 7, SAS co-editor Claudio Celani was invited to give a presentation for the “Bürger für Bürger” (Citizens for the Citizens) organization in the vicinity of Zürich, Switzerland, on the connections between the economy, climate policies and war. At the well-attended event, Celani was introduced by BfB chairman Dr. Markus Erb, who spoke of the war in Ukraine and […]

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Africa Needs Abundant Energy, Including Nuclear Power

An enthusiastic appeal for bringing Africa into the 21st Century was presented at the April 9 Schiller Institute conference by Princy Mthombeni, a young woman from the “beautiful country called South Africa”. Ms. Mthombeni is Nuclear Communication Specialist and Founder of Africa4Nuclear, an advocacy campaign that promotes nuclear to contribute to transforming the continent “into a global powerhouse of the […]

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Heavy Weapons to Ukraine: Has the Bundestag Gone Mad?

In an article dated April 30, Schiller Institute chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote: “The irresponsible and highly dangerous decision of the German government and Bundestag to give in to the pressure from the U.S. government, NATO, and the warmongers in their own ranks, and agree to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine, must immediately be reversed! It represents an acute danger for […]

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NATO Takes a Major Step Closer to Nuclear War

In a signal piece published April 27 in the Wall Street Journal, “The U.S. Should Show It Can Win a Nuclear War,” former Undersecretary of the American Navy Seth Cropsey argues that the U.S. should prepare to win a nuclear war if it does not want to lose it. For that, U.S. warships should be armed with nuclear weapons, and […]

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London Touts “the Return of Geopolitics” and the British Empire

Leading the drumbeat for “permanent war” with Russia is the United Kingdom, which was made abundantly clear over the past ten days, even for the most skeptical. To begin with, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss stated openly what has long been policy, in a speech delivered on April 27 under the brazen title “The Return of Geopolitics”. In it, she laid […]

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The Wall Street Earthquake of April 22 Could Be Followed by a Tsunami

The financial earthquake that hit financial markets on April 21-22 could be precursor to a real tsunami if the Federal Reserve, as hinted at the time by its chairman Jerome Powell, actually does raise rates by 50 points this week. He made the statements in a panel discussion hosted by CNBC, with co-participants ECB president Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director […]

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EU Regulators Oppose Energy Market Regulation

On April 29, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) issued its much awaited report on whether or not the current pricing mechanism for energy should be redesigned. France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece have rightly charged that mechanism with driving prices well over a real market price. The report, on the other hand, defends the mechanism […]

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China and India Respond to Provocations by von der Leyen et al.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen used her opening speech at India’s Raisina Dialogue April 25 to deliver the standard narrative on the “rules-based” order, telling her international audience that Russia and China are the enemies. To India, she offered the (unasked for) advice that it should rather stick with the European Union and economic, trade, and military deals […]

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Biden Administration Promotes Censorship to “Protect” Free Speech

The White House announced last week the establishment of a “Disinformation Governance Board” in the Department of Homeland Security, a decision defended by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as necessary to protect the right to free speech. Yes, you heard that right — to uphold the cherished First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees Americans the right to free […]

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