Some Opposition Emerges in U.S. Congress to Washington’s Chicken Game

The week before the U.S. Senate voted on the Biden administration’s proposal to spend an additional $40 billion on weapons and support for Ukraine, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell made a surprise visit to Kiev, arriving there on May14. After returning from his trip, which included a high profile photo op with President Volodymyr Zelensky, McConnell derided the idea that […]

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The Strong And Weak Points of the Italian Peace Proposal

A major shift in public opinion in European nations, spearheaded by a growing awareness of the danger of a new world war and by the Pope’s strong criticism of NATO, has prompted the Italian government, backed by France and Germany, to offer a peace initiative. On May 18, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio presented a four-point program to UN […]

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EU in a Shambles as Economic Tsunami Approaches

Among the narratives most used by western war propaganda, in addition to “Kiev is winning the war”, is praise for “Europe’s extraordinary cohesion”. Reality demolishes both of them. The truth is that the EU has never been so disunited. Conflicts among member states on sanctions, EU enlargement and NATO have escalated, while the underlying economic, social and political situation is […]

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And Now, Russia Is Also Accused of “Starving the World”

The United States, as rotating chairman of the UN Security Council, convoked a special conference on food security on May 18. Given the dire and worsening hunger crisis in the world, it should have been devoted to launching a crash program to increase food production and ensure emergency distribution to the most endangered areas, which could be done fairly quickly […]

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BRICS Considers Expansion to Represent the Global South

On the evening of May 19, the Foreign Minister of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) held a virtual conference to address the pressing needs of their nations as representative of the developing nations of the Global South. As currently constituted, the group of five represents 40% of the world’s population and 20% of global GDP. But the […]

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Video- Conference of the Schiller- Institute, on May 26 at 17.00 (CET)

The Schiller Institute is hosting an emergency webinar on May 26 on the theme: “US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War”. The featured speakers, in addition to the Institute’s chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche are: Colonel (ret) Richard H. Black, former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former State […]

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A Unified Force to Stop the Brinkmanship toward World War

The Foreign Ministers of the G7 together with the EU’s top diplomat released a virtual declaration of war against Russia, at the end of their May 14 meeting on the Baltic Sea in Germany. Their statement, as usual, accuses Moscow of bearing sole responsibility for the escalation in Ukraine and makes no offer of negotiations. It asserts: “We will never […]

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Energy: The Main Threat To Europe Is the EU

European Union policy towards Russia energy supplies is a combination of the foolish behavour exposed by Aesop and Phaedrus. On the one side, they steal Russia’s foreign reserves and accuse Moscow of not wanting to pay in euros (The wolf to the lamb: “How dare you trouble all the flood?”); on the other side, they keep repeating that Moscow is […]

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