Trilateral Commission Asia Is Fed Up with U.S. Policy toward China

The Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 as a secretive organization of the would-be elites of the United States, Europe and Japan, held a meeting of its Asia Pacific Group on Nov. 19-20. For the first time ever, one news service was invited to attend all the sessions, namely Nikkei Asia. The publication’s editor-in-chief, Shigesaburo Okumura, reported Nov. 25, that “Many […]

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Taiwan Ruling Party Defeated in Local Elections

In the mayoral and city council elections that took place in Taiwan, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was soundly defeated by the opposition party, Kuomintang (KMT). The DPP now controls only 5 out of the 21 local government offices, whereas the KMT won key mayoral races in Taipei, Taoyuan and Keelung. The DPP has aggressively promoted tensions between Beijing […]

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Moves from Ibero-America and the Caribbean to Build New World Paradigm

It is telling that the recent series of three, consecutive Schiller Institute international conferences mobilizing against nuclear war grew out of an initiative of former and current congressmen and women from the region of the world which the Anglo-American powers believed was destined to forever live as “the backyard” of the United States. Under enormous economic and military pressure from […]

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The Week World War III Was Avoided

For a long moment, on Nov. 15, the landing of a “Russian made” missile on the territory of NATO member Poland threatened to lead to an all-out direct war between Russia and NATO. Some officials, including an unhinged President Zelensky, immediately called on the western military alliance to invoke its collective security provisions. Fortunately, saner voices prevailed, including, to his […]

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Some Republican Congressmen Challenge Funding of Ukraine

In the aftermath of the Nov. 8 midterm elections, which gave Republicans a slim majority in the House for the session beginning in January, a number of Republican congressmen are demanding that the Biden administration stop the money flow to Ukraine and that an audit be carried out to determine exactly where the already delivered aid went. Just one week […]

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A Voice of Reason from the U.S.: Diane Sare Announces 2024 Candidacy

Independent LaRouche candidate Diane Sare just announced her intention to challenge the incumbent senator of New York State, Kirsten Gillibrand, in the Nov. 2024 general election. In the 2022 race, Sare ran against the state’s other senator, Charles Schumer, the head of the Democratic Party’s group in the Senate and a “useful idiot” of Wall Street and the war party. […]

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Looking into a Can Of Worms Called FTX

The receiver in the bankruptcy of FTX, John Ray III, was once in charge of winding up the energy and commodities giant Enron. But his “first affidavit” in the new case states that he has “never seen such a complete failure of corporate controls” in 35 years in his profession. What has so far emerged is an incredible tangle of […]

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New ECB Report Warns of a Crash Unleashed by… Its Own Policy

Showing that central banks can create dilemmas, but can’t solve them, the European Central Bank is now warning of the financial crash (devised by itself) in its biannual Financial Stability Review of November. If the bank keeps tightening monetary policy, “disorderly adjustments” are threatened, whereas if it doesn’t, inflation will continue to spin out of control. Of course, there is […]

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Italy, France, Germany Decouple from Decoupling

Events of the past weeks show that major European countries, despite heavy political pressure, are not willing to economically decouple from China, after decoupling from Russia – at least not completely. We reported in our last issues on German Chancellor Scholz’s visit to Beijing and on the statement by major corporate leaders on the importance of maintaining and expanding economic […]

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