Europe on the Threshold of a New War

On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented a comprehensive initiative for a new Eurasian security architecture, including a negotiated peace to stop the escalating war in Ukraine, for the world’s consideration. He explicitly mentioned that his proposal was designed to ensure the security of all nations, including those of Europe and NATO.

The proposal on Ukraine was rejected out of hand by U.S. President Biden, German Chancellor Scholz, and numerous other government circles in the West. As for NATO, it responded by having Ukrainian forces escalate attacks against targets on Russian territory. The latest incident is the missile attack on Sevastopol (Crimea) with American-supplied ATACMS armed with infamous cluster bombs, that killed and injured beachgoers on holiday. Those Army Tactical Missiles could not have been launched without technical support and intelligence from the United States.

This led Helga Zepp-LaRouche to repeat, yet again, that Putin’s initiative on a new security architecture may be the last chance to avoid a total, open war between NATO and Russia, that would engulf all of Europe. While most media coverage in the West has only commented on his proposal for beginning negotiations with Ukraine, the Russian President delivered an overview of the entire global strategic situation, which is worth consulting in full to better understand Russian policy today.

Given that “the entire system of Euro-Atlantic security is crumbling before our eyes”, he pointed to the need for “a vision for equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation, and development on the Eurasian continent in the foreseeable future”. He added that he has discussed the proposal with President Xi Jinping; and it “complements and aligns with the basic principles of the Chinese global security initiative”.

Moreover, “it is crucial to recognize that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation. ‘For all’ includes European and NATO countries as well. We share the same continent, and we must live and work together regardless of the circumstances. Geography cannot be changed.”

The online meeting of the International Peace Coalition on June 21 was focused on the need to launch a worldwide campaign to make the international community aware of this proposal, as it may be the last chance to derail World War III. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her remarks, pointed to the remarkable “affinity” between what President Putin is proposing, and what she herself and the Schiller Institute have been fighting for since 2020, namely her Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture. European nations, she warned, had better wake up before they find themselves in a new world war, this time leading to nuclear annihilation.