Decisive Setbacks for the Old Order in Europe and the United States

In assessing last week’s developments with associates on July 1, Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed to the acceleration of the crumbling of the old order, while the new order continues to emerge, but the outcome is still undetermined. One obvious sign of the demise of the old order are the legislative elections in France, which followed the European elections and are harbingers of what is to come in Germany with three state elections taking place later this year. French President Emmanuel Macron gambled big time and lost big time, with the results of the second round up in the air (cf. below).

Even bigger are the implications of the June 27 debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. U.S. allies in Europe are already starting to jump ship. Not by chance, Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that he is now ready to negotiate with Russia, albeit through intermediaries, and the opposition leader in Germany, CDU chairman Friedrich Merz, has now called for a quick end to the war in Ukraine. Some suggest that even Macron’s surprise move was a devious way for him to avoid an inevitable future policy shift in the same direction.

It is not only the perception that Biden’s candidacy is now doomed that is provoking such reverberations, but the fact that the American population and citizens around the world now realize that the President of the United States is but a figurehead, a puppet whose strings are pulled by what Lyndon LaRouche called the “invisible government”, or what Ray McGovern has dubbed the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Industrial-Media-Academia-Think-Tank Complex. Insight into who is actually running U.S. policy is given by Seymour Hersh in a new article (cf. below). Regardless of what will finally be decided at the Democratic Convention in the second half of August, Joe Biden and his controllers will have their finger on the nuclear button for at least the next six months.

Thus, the situation will remain extremely volatile over the coming period, as the powers-that-be of the old order struggle to maintain their grip over events. Their efforts, however, have less and less support, as the majority of nations line up behind the emerging new order, for which the Schiller Institute’s proposal for a new security and development architecture offers a blueprint.

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