China Africa Cooperation Set to Rise to New Levels

Under the theme, “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future”, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) mapped out a new level of cooperation between the countries of Africa and China that together account for one-third of the world population. In his keynote address on Sept. 5, President Xi Jinping announced the commitment of the equivalent of $50 billion over three years in credit lines, assistance in various forms, direct investments by Chinese companies, and access to Panda bonds. Overall, no less than ten new programs were announced aimed at supporting “China and Africa’s joint pursuit of modernization”, one “that is open and win-win”, and “puts the people first”.

The following are among the ten “Partnership Action” programs announced by Xi:

  • Partnership Action for Mutual Learning among Civilizations to share experience in governance with African nations, build 25 centers for China and Africa Studies and aid in developing Africa’s leadership academies.
  • Partnership Action for Trade Prosperity, under which China will unilaterally open its market wider. China will be the first major economy to grant all 33 of Africa’s least developed countries zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines.
  • Partnership Action for Industrial Chain Cooperation in which China will foster cooperation in industry, and launch an “African SMEs empowerment program”.
  • Partnership Action for Connectivity to carry out 30 infrastructure connectivity projects, promote together high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, contribute to land-sea links and coordinated development and assist in the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area.
  • Partnership Action for Health to create a hospitals alliance and joint medical centers, including sending 2,000 medical personnel to Africa, and launching 20 programs for health facilities and malaria treatment.
  • Partnership Action for Agriculture and Livelihoods. China commits to sending emergency food assistance, building about 6,670 hectares of standardized agriculture demonstration areas, sending 500 agricultural experts, and establishing a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance.
  • Partnership Action for Common Security as part of China’s Global Security Initiative. China will provide grants in military assistance and training for 6,000 military personnel and 1,000 police and law enforcement officers, while inviting 500 young African military officers to visit China.