Russia to Complete first new New Sea Port in Decades

Western sanctions have prompted Russia to give top priority to key transportation infrastructure projects that it has in the past postponed. In May, President Putin gave the directive that Russian transportation should be reorientated away from Europe and to the East and South. A crucial component of this is the completion of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) going from […]

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SUPPLEMENT: Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System

The following appeal was issued by the international Schiller Institute on June 24, 2022. It can be signed at A preliminary list of signers is available at the same address. The neoliberal system is hopelessly bankrupt. But Western governments, rather than drawing the consequences of this fact, and fundamentally reorganizing the system, have escalated the confrontation with their alleged […]

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Scott Ritter Warns of the Illusions of a Ukrainian Victory

The blustering about defeating Russia and humiliating President Putin vaunted by the G7 leaders has been repeatedly countered by military and intelligence experts in the United States and Europe. In addition to Colonel Richard Black (ret.), Colonel Douglas MacGregor stated outright on June 21 that “Ukraine has lost this war. I would argue it lost it some time ago.” Scott […]

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The War Economy Pushed in the West, a Dangerous Illusion

It suddenly seems to have dawned on the geniuses in the City of London that it helps to have an industrial economy if you wish to wage a proxy war against Russia. The transatlantic governments have either not yet realized it, or prefer to continue churning out empty promises. Thus, the current frontman for the war hawks, Prime Minister Boris […]

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BRICS Discuss an Alternative Currency System to Further Trade

The rejection of the West’s idea of a “unipolar world” was made clear at the annual summit of the heads of state and governement of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in Beijing on June 23-24. As stated in the “Beijing Declaration” adopted there, they intend to ensure that all nations, including those least developed, have a greater […]

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The G7 Touts Its Wonder-Weapon against China’s Belt and Road Initiative

At the G7 meeting in Elmau, Bavaria, the launching of the Partnership on Global Infrastructure and Investment was announced, as a plan to compete with the BRI in developing countries, financed with $600 billion. Judging from past experience, that money will never materialize. After all, developing countries are still waiting for the $100 billion per year to compensate for “climate […]

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Appeal for France to Exit from the Integrated Command of NATO

Just a few days before NATO was to convene in great pomp in Madrid, Jacques Cheminade put out a statement once again calling on France to leave its integrated command. Jens Stoltenberg had just reiterated clearly, during a visit to Paris, that the leaders planned to come up with a new strategic concept against Russia and China, which would imply […]

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Europe’s Summer of Discontent Is Here

Faced with economic hardship and runaway inflation, the European population is taking to the streets to protest. On June 20, some 80,000 unionists representing Belgium’s largest trade unions marched through Brussels to protest againsts the rising cost of living and demand better wages. In the city where NATO is headquartered, some participants also chanted “Spend money on salaries, not on […]

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