Mexico and Brazil Balk at Washington’s Notion of Democracy

It’s an understatement to say that President Biden’s second “Summit for Democracy” on March 28-30 was not the success he had planned. The president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, called it “a bad idea that won’t go away”, given that “American democracy is hardly a model for others”. And Financial Times editor Edward Luce pointed to the […]

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Reserve the Date of April 15 for the Schiller Institute Conference

“Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet”, is the theme of the international online conference the Schiller Institute will hold on Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 4 pm to 11 pm CET, featuring speakers from around the world. The proceedings will be in English, with simultaneous translation provided in French, German and […]

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Renflouement des banques, encore une récidive

Faillites bancaires, ruées sur les dépôts, chute des bourses, injections de liquidités. On pourrait croire à une réplique de 2008, mais ce serait trompeur car c’est bien pire ! Prenons les pertes subies par les banques suite à la dépréciation de leurs actifs due à la hausse des taux. Selon une étude du 13 mars 2023 publiée sur le site SSRN, […]

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The Two Major Goals of Xi Jinping in Russia

The visit of President Xi Jinping to Moscow was the subject of a discussion organized by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on her Twitterspace on March 26. Her special guest was Einar Tangen, an American living in China since 2005, who is a leading fellow at the Taihe Institute, an independent, non-profit think tank based in Beijing that promotes global peace and development. […]

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Democracy Is Fine and Good, Until It Jeopardizes the “Rules-Based Order”

This week will see the second meeting of U.S. President Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” take place online March 28-30. What the Biden Administration has not yet realized, is that, outside of the western “cocoon”, the “democracy vs. autocracy” mantra has lost credibility throughout the world. Excluded from the event are those who openly challenge the rules-based order, including China, Russia, […]

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EU Promises Lower Wages to Balance the Books

Thanks to the sanctions against Russia and the EU’s idiotic energy policy, the EU trade balance suffered a loss of over €400 billion income in 2022. From a surplus of €105.3 billion in 2021, it plunged to a deficit of €333.5 billion. The three largest economies, Germany, France and Italy, carried the bulk of the collapse: Germany lost nearly €100 […]

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Bank Separation: First Legislative Initiatives Taken

As the 2008-2009 crisis broke out, many called for reinstating a Glass-Steagall type of bank regulation, separating commercial banks from investment banks. Governments decided, instead, to listen to the “financial industry”, and adopted completely inadequate measures. Since then, EIR and the Schiller Institute have consistently called for a Glass-Steagall reform, and now that the crisis is in full swing, legislators […]

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Crushing Defeat for Climate Referendum in Berlin

The plan to make it mandatory for Berlin to become totally “climate-neutral” by 2030 was defeated on March 26, when the relevant referendum failed to receive the minimum number of “yes” votes required to win. A victory would have forced the Berlin Senate to include a binding provision in the state’s energy transition law, providing for climate-neutrality by 2030 instead […]

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West Asia: Are We Approaching the End of Sykes-Picot?

One hundred years after the British Empire secretly negotiated with the French Empire, in 1916, the carving up of the “Middle East” (West Asia) into separate colonies and satrapies, diplomatic and economic efforts by China and Russia could put an end to this century of bloody divide-and-conquer strategy. Its most violent aspect was the Shia-Sunni sectarian divide that followed the […]

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