A Game Changer? Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard Join Trump Campaign

With ten weeks until election day, the U.S. presidential campaign remains both unprecedented and unpredictable. With Vice-President Kamala Harris anointed as the presidential candidate for the Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a former Democratic Party candidate now running as an Independent, partially suspended his campaign, while endorsing Donald Trump.

Events at the Democratic Party national convention confirmed our assessment that Kamala Harris was installed as the candidate in a “soft coup” orchestrated by donor billionaires fearful that an incapacitated Joe Biden would lose to Trump. Given Trump’s position against the Ukraine war and his populist anti-establishment bent, Biden was forced out in order to save the policies he has supported, especially regarding the Ukraine war and an overall defense of the U.S. as the controller and beneficiary of the collapsing Unipolar Order.

Harris herself was firm in support of Biden’s wars. “I will ensure that America always has the strongest. most lethal fighting force in the world”, she stated. As for the growing dangers in Southwest Asia, Harris hypocritically proclaims concern over the suffering of Palestinians, while supporting the delivery of weapons and money to Israel, to kill more of them.

Amid the “Kamala-mania” promoted by the media, polls now show a narrow lead for the Democratic candidate nationally and extremely close results in key “battleground” states. But Kennedy’s courageous decision adds to the uncertainty of the outcome. At one point, he was polling at 25% as a third party candidate, after being excluded from the Democratic Party primaries, but was bombarded with attacks and slanders in the media.

At a joint appearance with Donald Trump in Arizona, RFK Jr. said he had decided to withdraw his name from appearing on the ballot in battleground states, out of fear that he might take votes away from Trump and hand the election to Harris in those states. He also spoke with passion about ending U.S. support for the war in Ukraine, which he warned is leading toward nuclear war with Russia. He also forcefully condemned media censorship and narrative creation, which stifle open debate. Trump has asked Kennedy to look into the assassination attempt against him in July, and also intends to open the files on past assassinations, including those of RFK Jr.’s uncle John Kennedy and father Robert Kennedy. That explains why a Trump presidency so frightens the establishment.

In another blow for the Harris campaign, former Democratic Party Congresswomen and former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard endorsed Trump at a rally in Michigan on Aug. 26. We are close to nuclear war, she said; “that’s why I’m backing Donald Trump. He will walk us back from war.”

Thus far, neither RFK, Jr., Gabbard nor Trump have broken with Biden’s support for Netanyahu, which has the backing of the billionaires of the Military-Industrial Complex they claim to oppose. However, these two endorsements, which raise the issue of who benefits from the imperial wars, may have the effect of allowing Trump to regain his footing, as a “populist” anti-establishment figure.