Berlin Provokes Russia, Covers up Nord Stream Sabotage

In their rush to make Germany “ready for war”, a mission proclaimed by Defense Minister Pistorius, the country’s elites have apparently forgotten the lessons of World War II, and of the defeat of the German army by the Soviet armies. Thus, they are provoking a Russia that has become a nuclear superpower, effectively condemning Germany to national suicide, since in the event of war, it would be the target of nuclear missiles coming from both NATO countries and Russia.

Nonetheless, a spokesman of Berlin’s Defense Ministry wholeheartedly supported Ukraine’s assault on the Kursk region on Aug. 12, declaring that “there are no obstacles whatsoever” to Ukraine’s use of German-made weapons in that offensive, and wherever they choose to. That may be crossing one red line too many for Russia to tolerate. By accepting Washington’s decision to station hundreds of long-range U.S. cruise missiles on its territory, and by pledging to deliver an additional 600 Patriot missiles to Kyiv, Berlin had already ignored other red lines, but the use of German weapons is a big step further.

Russian leaders have made clear that they view the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk as masterminded by NATO, and by the Americans in particular, and that they will retaliate against any member country of the Alliance involved. For example, Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov was asked Aug. 4 by Rossiya 1 TV, about strikes launched from “NATO airfields”. To which he replied: “Any weapons and any forces used against us in connection with or in the course of the SMO [special military operation] are legitimate targets for us. And those who listen only to themselves, sitting in Washington, in Brussels, in Warsaw, or wherever, ought to pay attention.”

Concerning a possible attack against the nuclear power plants in Kursk or Zaporozhye, the Russian Defense Ministry warned on Aug. 18, that such an act would immediately provoke “tough military and military-technical countermeasures”. Any catastrophe involving nuclear plants or storage sites could be the first shot in a nuclear confrontation between Russia and NATO.

Meanwhile, on the issue of the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, the German authorities continue to stonewall. The Wall Street Journal published an unlikely story on Aug. 14, asserting that the whole plot was hatched by a group of drunken Ukrainians, including former commander in chief Valeriy Zaluzhniy, who eventually put the plan into operation, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself, who later withdrew his approval at the request of the CIA. (No word about the role of NATO, Washington, or London.) From the German side, former head of the BND intelligence agency, August Hanning, told Welt TV one day later that he believes the Ukrainian secret service carried out the attack with support from Poland, and with the approval of both Presidents. Some suspect this narrative is part of the attempt to set the stage for dumping Zelenskyy. Officially, however, the story put out by the German authorities lacks even more credibility: they have issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diver who is suspected of diving off a private yacht to place the explosives on the pipelines. He is identified, believe it or not, as “Volodymyr Z.”…